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Ok so i'm sure if you heard of this genre of spiderman oneshot then you have seen the diffrent sub types hiden in them, you have your superfamily's, your spidypools, your nice flash and jerk flash getting his butt handed to him, your almost identity reveals and your full identity reveals, your au's of all kinds as they are the only way you can live, trans and cis peter (both are valid and i have read so many fanfics that i've pretty much seen it all), gayvengers of all sorts as well as the Straights (tm), your angst and fluff, BUT!!!! I propose a new sub type to be used............Peter calling out others b.s. Ok listen it's better than it seems, imagine if you will, two diffrent paths, road one, Peter has not told a soul about the internship excuse fearing he would be made fun of even more than he was (even though over the months he became a real intern, tony's personal one to be exact and because of that he knew every intern to an extent and they knew him), so he told them he had a job, normal enough for a highschooler and believable (plus it was kinda true). Then some kid turns up, who Peter has never seen around the tower (or any other place for that matter, you know aside from his one chem class he daydreams through, he thinks he saw them in the back, nevermind that though.) before claiming they have a big important stark internship, and, unlike what peter thought would happen, everyone believes them, Parker Luck(tm) strikes again just as he thought, of course they would belive them cause they were at least known for more than being flash's favorite victim. And peter rightfuly mad tells his super cool avenger friends, and tony being, well, tony plans a whole tour there to expose them, peters on board and they totally destroy them together making peter like, super cool in the process. Road two, peter told people about the internship and someone tries to copy him and gets away with it, of course the avengers get involved and destroy him in a way better way as tony goes off on everyone who didn't believe peter for believing a lier. 

It's a bit in the works and it's late and i'm on mobile but I hope to see this soon, no one has to though of course, bit if you do use it at least credit me cause i'm so tired and have been trying to make more chapters but wattpad is being a but, so, bi 

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