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you don't have to go B

I'm not leaving her alone

Nothing will happen Becs

I know, I'm just worried
Are you even ready? You
should come pick me up

I'm not coming, I sent Nate
I wanted him to be with you
to make sure you are okay

You didn't have to Tee
But thanks anyways

He would do anything for
you guys, you are his sister
And he really care about you
As much as I do

I love you guys so much and
I guess he's here, bye take care

Bye don't freak out
Nothing will happen

I closed my phone and held eve's hands before going out

Nate opened his door to come down but I motioned for him to wait inside

I opened the back seat door as eve got in before I went to the passenger seat

"Told you thousands time, don't leave your car while you're in this neighborhood" I said

"Shut up, you okay?" He asked shushing me

"Great" I said faking a smile before he let out a laugh

Nate played music as we sang and the girls sang the songs they knew,

After a while Nate parked his car into the parking before we all got down
I looked up and stared at the big words written Wilson enterprise

this brings back so much memories

"We're here!" Yelled Sophie

"I'm excited!, Alex said he had a surprise for us!" Eve said clapping her hands

The 4 of us got down and I held both of the girls hands

"everything will be okay" nate said as we entered the company doors

"Miss, Stella!" Both girls ran to her were students stood on lines

"Hey girls" the teacher said "you both are here! You actually were late a bit but Mr.Wilson insisted we wait for you both" she said as I shook hands with her then Nate did the same

"He waited for them" I said looking at Nate but he gave me a shrug

"Evelyn, Sophia" both me and Nate turned at the voice looking at the one and only, Alexander Wilson

"Alex!" Both of them said running to him as he kneeled and hugged them both

"How do you know him?" Nate asked Sophia

"He came to school and he asked for my name and we are friends now" she said looking proudly at Alex as he ruffled her hair

"Hey pretty girls, how are you doing today" Alex said as the girls replied, and Alex did something that made me stop breathing, he kissed Eve's cheek before whispering something in her ear making her laugh

"hello Becca" he said as I just gave him a nod

"Nathan? Right?" He asked

"Good thing you still remember me" nate said rolling his eyes before he took both of the girls hands "go with your classmates"

"But-" the girls objected but Nate shook his head "go now" he said

"you know nothing will happen to them, controlling Evelyn like she is your daughter" Alex said

"how do you know-" I said confusedly

"The girls told me" he said

"Evelyn is my daughter Alexander, she will always be, whether you like it or not, she may not be my biological daughter but no one gives a fuck" Nate said closing his palms into a fist but I immediately held his hand

"Nate, no" I said

"you heard me Alexander Wilson!, If you did anything to Becca or Evelyn, you will regret living, did you hear me" Nathan said but Alex just gave out a laugh

"Nate please" I said as he looked at me and nodded

Alexander and Ethan who came at last minute took the kids to the event he held for the kids at the company, we were standing by the girls with Nate as they colored before Alexander, Ethan and a men who looked big in age came and I immediately knew who he was

"Becca" Aaron Wilson, Alex's father said

"Mr.Wilson" I said shaking his hand but he pulled me into a hug

"What are you doing here? It's been 7 years since we last saw you" he said "you were missed at the company darling" he said

"Evelyn, Look this is my father Aaron" Alex said before eve stood up to shake his hands and as soon as Aaron saw her, his eyes became wide open

"Hello I'm Evelyn, she is my mom" Evelyn said pointing at me "this is uncle Nate, and my best friend Sophia" she said

"your daughter?" Aaron said wide eyed
Evelyn has some features as Aaron, Because Alex looked similar to his father and eve looked just like her father

"Hello Evelyn, you are pretty, same goes for you Sophia" aaron said before looking at his son

"We need to talk" he told his son before both of them got lost into the company

"we need to talk" nate said taking my hands

"Nate please, I don't want to open everything up again" I said

"Becs, he knows, do you see the way he acts just around Eve! No One would believe that he did everything just for Eve! He is the Alexander Wilson," Nate said before I nodded, both of us entered of one the meeting rooms which was always empty when I worked here

"you know his father noticed it too" Nate said

"I know nate, what would I do, how can I tell him, oh hi Alex, Eve is your daughter, she is 6, yeah I'm sorry for keeping her from you for 6 years and 9 months of pregnancy? Should I tell him this? And what would Eve feel, I am lying to her this whole week! Her father is right infront of here and she doesn't know, Nate I really do-" I was sobbing but I stopped when I found a figure standing behind Nate

He was angry, his hair was a mess and I knew he ran his hands through his hair couple of times. His hands were balled into fists

And then I just couldn't breathe, I felt the word turning

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