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"Nate, I'll try coming later but I'll have to take care of Alex now so please look after Eve," I said

"Don't worry Becs, and you take care of him, goodnight!" Nate said

"Wait you bitch I need help, I can't take him" I said

"Miss, I'm here don't worry, WILL come here!" Joe yelled as both of them took him from me

"Goodnight Nate" I said as we entered the house

"Take him into the bath" I said

"Are you sure miss?" He asked

"I am sure, no put him there and then you can leave" I said as they did what I said and they left

"Becca, I'm sorry" he said

"you are not" I said as I took his things from his pocket then opened the water

"Please don't leave me Becca" he said

after getting Alex showered, he got back into his senses

"I can change" he said

"I wasn't gonna change you" I said as I left the room for minutes before getting inside

Alex looked at me before laying on the bed

"thanks for coming" he said

"it's nothing, anyone would've done the same" I said As he nodded

"You get some sleep, I'm gonna head back to Katie's" I said as he looked at me in silent

I took my things and made my way to the door, I opened the door before he spoke

"Will you stay?" He asked making me look back

"Please stay, I need you" he said as I nodded as I closed the lights and sat on the chair

"I said I need you becca" he said as I let out a sigh before going to him and getting under the covers but making space between us

"I'm really sorry" he whispered in the darkness

"you can't have us both Alex, it's either me and Evelyn or her" i said

"But who said I want her Becca?" He said "I want you"

"Don't forget the words you said Alex, I won't ever forget every word that came out of your mouth" I said

"becca, I'm fucking sorry for everything, I was just so scared of falling in love Becca, I avoided this thing for years and now I started having feelings for you so I brought Regina, so maybe you could hate me but I swear I can't take this all, it's too much watching you and Evelyn hating me, I'm Sorry Becs, I like you and I have feelings for you. I don't know if you'll ever forgive me Becca but please do" he said

"I like you too Alex" I said

"What?" He said sitting up

"I said I like you too and I swear I would never hate you Alex, even after that night. I still couldn't hate you because you gave me the best thing in the world" I said as we both smiled at each other.

"Im really sorry Becca" he said

"I forgive you Alex, just stop bringing her to the house" I said

"I'll even cancel the partnership with her, anything you want Becca" he said

"no don't! It's benefiting the company so don't" I said

"I missed you becca" he said taking my hands into his before placing a kiss

"I missed you more" I said as Alex closed the distance between us and connecting our lips

Our kiss lasted for minutes before we both pulled away

"I fucking miss you" he said pushing me on the bed as he started tickling me

"Stooooop!" I yelled as I laughed "Alex please stopppp!!!"

"Okay okay, but first I want a kiss" he said

"Oh mr.wilson, the multi-billionaire, the hottie and the playboy, asking for a kiss?" I said.

"First of all I'm not a play boy! And yes I asked you for a kiss, now are you giving me one or should I keep tickling you?" he asked

"No no! I'll give you one" I said as he removed his hands, I sat up and pressed my lips to his making him pull back

"I asked for a cheek kiss but I wouldn't mind so just complete" he said as I laughed Before we kissed again

both of us layed on the bed, before he pulled me to him making me lay my head on his chest

"I'm really sorry Becca" he said

"It's alright, and you have to deal with Evelyn Now" I said

"Oh, will you help me please?" He asked

"Ofcourse I will" I said as he placed a kiss on the top of my head

"you are the best and now let's get some sleep" he said

"Alex why didn't you tell me about her?" I asked

"Because she is no one to me Becca" he said

"Oh ,Goodnight then" I said

"Goodnight Becca" he said as I cuddled into him more making my self comfy

"didn't know you where such a cuddler" he said

"Shut up bitch and go to sleep" I said as both of us started laughing

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