Chapter 2

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Chapter 2

A/N Hey guys I just wanted to let you guys know that ill probably upload a new chapter every 3 to 4 days in case your wondering. OH an Happy Thanksgiving hope everyone had a wonderful day

:), well enjoy this new chapter im not really happy with it but you guys will finally get to meet the gorgeous guy that Roza pays no attention to lol



As Alex an me settled in, Mr. Cicero my English teacher started talking he was just about to introduce our new lesson on Shakespeare's novels, when the door slammed open an the most gorgeous guy walked through the door, every girl in the class gasp out in shock except for me.



I looked down at my desk while the new guy greeted Mr. Cicero

“ Hey I'm the new student my names Jasper ”

Mr. Cicero look of impatiences washed away as he took the new kids day slip an signed it.

“ Hello an welcome to the school” the teacher greeted the new kid quietly “

I looked over to Hope an noticed she was still day dreaming about my brother. I shot her a warning glance an she blushed and looked away. Suddenly I noticed my brother stiffen, Curious I asked him silently through our twin telepathy ‘Whats wrong” He just shrugged and gave me a look that said he’d tell me later. distracted i didn't even notice that Jasper had come an was wanting to get past my legs that were blocking his way to the empty seat behind me. I looked up at his eye an regretted it intently, He was staring dead straight into my eyes, making me blush an look down nervously.

For a second I swear I heard him laugh but when I looked he was staring straight ahead, Maybe I imagined it. Totally lost in my mind i didn't realize Hope was trying desperately to get my attention, she was making so much noise Mr. C turned around an glared at her an then me.

“Ms. Clarence would you an Ms. Fang like a detention after school to make up the time that you spent talking to one another?”

“ No thank you Mr. C me an Hope wont interrupt again Sorry” I said sheepishly

Hope was staring at her desk embarrassed at getting yelled at, I Quickly took out a piece of paper from my bag an started to write her a note,

'What the fuck was that about? you almost got us a detention an you know how my father would react to that!!!!!'

I folded the paper an passes it too her, I watched her eyes scan it then quickly scribble something down then pass it back to me, I scanned it quickly reading,

'I'm sorry I just wanted to ask you why you froze when you looked at jasper, do you like him or something?'

I finished reading it an glared at hope who was trying to ignore me, Angrily I wrote

'NO OFC not wtf are you thinking?? I just met him and I haven't even talked to him yet how would I know if I liked him????'

I finished an refolded the paper an passed it over to her, She opened it an read it. She blushed an looked over to me an mouthed ‘Sorry’. I just shrugged an looked back to the board trying to figure out what was goin on since we both just totally missed the whole lesson. A few minutes later the bell rang. Everyone shuffled to the door, while I was just about to get up an leave I bumped into someone sending my books flying outta my hands. Cautiously I looked at the guy who bumped in tome only to see a amused Jasper looking at me while i bent down quickly to gather my books, he just pushed past me. I mumbled Jerk quietly when my brothers hands entered my vision.

“What Happened sis?”

“ That jerk Jasper bumped in to me an made me drop all my books an then pushed past me”

“ Wow, what a jerk” he agreed,

He helped me finish picking up my books an we walked to our next class. The rest of the morning passed quickly, Jasper was in several other classes of mine sadly. After the bell rang once again, I went to my locker before lunch to switch out text books. When I closed my locker I turned right around an slammed face first in to strong muscly chest, I fell right on my butt with a thud.

“Ow” I rubbed my back an looked up into the shocked face of Jasper

“Oh I didn't see you there” he stuck out his hand to help me up

I was shocked he didn't seem this nice before when he bumped into me early, maybe he had mood disorder.

“ Oh um thanks” I stammered as he helped me up, after I got I up I tried to brush past him but his strong arm held me back.

“Hey wait up” he said


“ Never mind” he said as he brushed past me and walked quickly down the hall.

Confused I switched the grip I had on my back pack realising my hand was cramped from holding it so hard. When i got to the lunch room I didn't feel as hungry as I had been so I decided on just buying a water, when i finished paying i did a quick scan of the room searching for my friends an brother. I spotted them on the other side of the room with a bunch of people surrounding the table next to them. Curious of why there was such a huge crowed near our table I walked over there trying to act cool about walking by it only to fail an trip over my foot when I noticed that jasper was sitting there trying to eat while a ton of girls flocked all over him. He looked up at me smirked then went back to eating, angry I continued walking to my table.

When I got to there everyone was in a deep discussion not even glancing up at me when I sat down. Finally I decided to ask Hope what was going on an only then did the whole table seem to notice I was there. They all froze like the were in trouble, there faces were quiet funny. But since they all seemed so serious I decided that laughing wasn't the right thing to do, so in stead I asked again,

“Guys seriously whats wrong?”

My brother looked to his friend Kyle then back at me “ Well sis I got a call from dad and it seems there a pack close by who asked grandpa is it was okay if they took the empty land a few valleys over. Oh and he said he wanted us both to come home immediately”

Shocked I swallowed hard an look up at my brothers eye that were a complete match to mine

“What does that mean? Are we in trouble? Is there going to be a War???

A million questions were flashing through my head all at once, my thoughts were interrupted by Alex clearing his throat

“Dad said that we would talk more when you an me get home, he also said not to panic an everything wasn't as serious as it seems and that we shouldn't worry”

Right then the lunch bell ended an we were dismissed from class. The rest of the day was a total blur my mind was so focused on what dad had to say once we got home. Even though my brother didn't seem that worried just annoyed I was still quiet shocked an was so curious to see what was going to happen. No one has ever asked to by the land next to ours because our pack was the biggest an strongest pack in the world, everyone was to scared to upset our pack and cause a war. What would happen when we got home, would dad explain everything? And what did dad want to talk to me about earlier?



Hey guys another cliff hanger sorry :D. SO what did you guys think about Jasper?

and what do you guys think will happen once they get home? I want to hear you guys thoughts

so VOTE and COMMENT pleaaaseeeeeeee

BTW I would like to make a shout out to MY real life best friend Hope who let me use her name for my story thank you girly Love Ya :D


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