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Anna P.O.V

"Oppa, I heard you were sick yesterday. Gwaenchanha?"
"Yeah, I was praying for you to get well yesterday." Girls were crowding around Baekhyun to bombard his questions about his absence yesterday. He seemed to be getting bored.
"Girls, girls. It was just a fever. It's not like I was suffering from a coma or something. I appreciate that... you were thinking about me, but rest assured, I'm fine and I'm still breathing." He told. The girls made loved up noises that made me want to puke.

Baekhyun was joined by someone. A tall boy with curly hair and big ears. Him. I know him. I've seen him somewhere.

"...disrespecting Chanyeol and Baekhyun oppa..."

This was Chanyeol. The Chanyeol who asked me if I was okay on the bus. The Chanyeol that I left without answer. The Chanyeol who was one of the reasons why there was a big bandage on my face.

Chanyeol patted Baekhyun's back and went another direction. Baekhyun seemed to be coming my way. Aish, why?

I pretended not to see him and turned. But moments later, he ended up directly in front of my face.
"Your face. What happened?" He asked.
Oh nothing, it just happened to be slashed by one of our many fans, happy?
"Why didn't you come like I told you to?"
Because I got kidnapped by psychos!!!
"You didn't give me the address, besides I had better things to do."
He wrote something on a piece of paper and slid it into my pocket.

Gently, he laid his hand on the bandage. His hands were beautiful, they were prettier than my entire face. They had shiny nails and slender fingers and you could see his veins shooting out. It felt nice that something so beautiful was touching my face.

Yah, what was I thinking. Baekhyun's hands were hideous like his face. I slapped them away from my face.

"What happened?" He asked.
"Why should you care!?!?" I said.
"Why can't I care? Not everyone's cold."

I turned to walk away but he firmly gripped on it.
"What happened?" He repeated
"Listen. I am not your wife, girlfriend or your sister. You are in no position to act this way towards me."

As soon as I finished, I hurried away so that he couldn't stop me..

I went to the bathroom. Surprisingly, the bathroom was the the best place for times like this.

My eyes were fixed on the mirror, baffled by my reflection. The person in the mirror wasn't me... it was a stranger. A strange had a face paler than a vampire. A huge bandage plastered across her face. A pair of eyes that were bloodshot from sleepless nights. A wave of reality slammed on my face, it was no stranger. It was me.

What was I? A human... or a monster? I sighed deeply, the annoying sound of the bell rang. Oh well, another lecture from Ms. Kim. My bony hand scavenged around my pocket, I took out a cigarette and a lighter. It wasn't my first time smoking... I started smoking ever since appa... no I'm not going to bring up that memory. I wasn't an addict, I lit it up and slowly blew into it... Puffs of smoke came out one after another and my nose sniffed a sharp smell. They say smoking is like paying to cut your life short but that's my goal. I smoke because... I know it's bad for me. Besides... I have no life.


"Again, Ms. Lee Anna, again. Honestly, I think you should be in the Guinness World Record Book for the most lates." Ms. Kim shouted.

I went to take my seat. Everyone noticed my bandage... They all laughed. And surprise surprise... Haru laughed the hardest. I noticed a pair of eyes staring at me. Byun Baekhyun. His expression contrasted with the others. There was a spark in his eyes which looked like he was about to cry. It was almost like he felt sorry for me.

Whatever, I don't need his sympathy.

"Wait." Ms. Kim called out.

I turned around to see an apprehensive expression painted across her face.

"What happened to your face?"
"I'm pretty sure there wouldn't be a plaster on you face if nothing happened."
"It's just a small scratch."
"Anna, please stop being difficult. I'm trying to help."
"I don't need your help. I'm fine. Stop acting like you care about me. I know you don't." I frustratedly replied.

The whole class gasped and even Ms. Kim got taken aback.

"Don't say that. I do care, I care about all of my students." She answered in a surprisingly calm tone.
"Stop that. It's disgusting. I know you don't like me and you probably never will. I'm sorry I can't be punctual or smart or pretty like your other students."

Ms. Kim sighed heavily and pointed to my empty desk, indicating that I should sit down before she gets vexed.


Lessons passed slower than a snail, but thank god they ended. As I walked, Haru blocked the path. What the hell does she want?

"Nice of you to cause a scene in Ms. Kim's class."
"Haru, get lost... My head hurts and looking at you makes it even worse."
"We missed you yesterday. I had such a fun activity planned, but you decided to leave early."

Haru spoke in her sickly sweet tone which made the hairs on my arm stand straight like soldiers.

I walked past her. But again she blocked the way.

"Did you tell anyone?" She asked in a more serious tone. Purposely I ignored it and walked on.

Haru came in front and stepped on my foot. And the fact that she was wearing stilettos made it even more painful.

"Did you tell anyone?" This time she growled.
"No, I'm not a snake. But I'm looking at one." I replied, trying to show no signs of pain even though I was practically dying.

Haru stepped off. Ugh, thank the lord. She patted my head.

"Good girl."
"Stop treating me like a dog."
"Treat? Wait aren't you already a dog?!"

With that Haru let go and started laughing hysterically. Her laugh was even more annoying that her voice.

I continued to walk when I felt a hand gripping on mine. As expected... It was Byun Baekhyun. Immediately, I let go off his hand.

"Listen, if you want to talk to me... Please just come up to me. Do not... I repeat. Do not touch me."

He rolled his eyes and there was a slight smirk on his face.

"We still haven't started on the project. The sooner we get started the quicker it can get done. Besides, the due date's next week." He said.

Honestly, I needed to be alone. Somewhere far away from here. I didn't want to see him. Or Haru. Or anyone. I wanted my eomma.

A few seconds later I found myself running and my hair flying with the wind. I felt bad for Baekhyun because... Wait, I don't need to feel anything towards him, I don't even know him.

"You dropped something... " I heard a voice calling from behind.

But I didn't respond... I just kept running. Until I stopped at the local florist.

Blooming Days. I stepped inside and saw myself getting mesmerised by the colours of the different flowers.

"Ah, we meet again, Lee Anna." A familiar voice spoke.

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