Chapter 2

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My head hurt. A lot. Why is everything dark?! 

Oh no, what the heck just happened? Oh shoot. 

The memories flooded into my head making it hurt even more. I let out a whimper. What is my problem of not being quiet?!

Just perfect, I was blindfolded. I heard a grunt and a young mans voice.

"Is she awake? I thought you said she would be out for at least 12 more hours!"

"Not my fault, maybe you didn't use enough!" another mans voice yelled.

I flinched.

Great, they are already fighting....I hope that they won't hurt me. 

Tears soaked the material covering my eyes. 

Why me?

What will they do with me??

I then realized that someone's hand was stroking my hair. Not awkward at all, note the sarcasm.

I reached my hand up to try and swat them away, but, of course, my hands were tied behind my back.

How did I not feel that before? Right, the adrenaline. 

"It's ok princess, just go back to sleep," the man touching my hair whispered in my ear. 


 I tried to struggle out of the rope but to no use.

I squirmed like a worm trying to get away from him. 

I thought I was doing a pretty good job until I heard the other man laugh. I guess he must have been driving. I frowned. 

Did he think I was pathetic and weak?

Ah hell naw.

"Hey, use the rag again, I don't want her to hurt herself." the driving one jokingly said. 

That made me frown even more.

Hold up, the rag?! I was old enough to know what 'the rag' meant and no, they weren't going to cholorform me again. 

I twisted and turned with even more power and force. Someone grabbed me.

"C'mon princess, just please settle down!" 

I hate when they call me princess. I am not a princess.

"Well you asked for it," the man said as I felt a cloth come in contact with my face. 

"Take a deep breath, just breathe, it will I be over, come on, deep even breaths, there you go..." 

Once again, darkness overtook me. 

Dang those men and that stupid dang cloth.

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