Chapter 27

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****Ok, so I wrote the last chapter like a couple of days ago...and then lost my train of thought. I am sorry if...yeah, but I have a new direction. Sorry, that was a bad almost-pun. One Direction new direction....ah nevermind.

Holy shoot, you guys, you are amazing: 7 comments in like three hours. Thanks! I hope this is a long chapter, I never know until I post it...******

^^^^^^####WARNING!!! I have been getting a lot of hate for this chapter, so I apologize in advance. Please keep reading, I promise it will get better! And if you don't like it, please don't comment saying how I 'ruined the story' because it makes me feel really bad about myself. Everything has a reason! And this has a reason, trust me!

By the way, this is a story that I made up: this isn't real at all.

And if somehow the real Harry is reading this (which he probably never ever will), I made this up. I would never ever think Harry would do something like this. ######^^^^^

Oh shit.

Oh shit

Oh shit

Can I say it one more time?

Oh shit.


His lips forcefully murdered mine. Kind of like Matt near the end of my hostage stay.

Now that made me freak out even more.

Harry moaned into the kiss.

I tried to fight back and get him off of me, but it was no use.

I looked like a stick compared to him. He was way too strong. Dang him and his abs.

He licked my bottom lip, begging for an entrance.

Hell to the freaking no.

He got impatient and bit my lip, forcing me to gasp.

His tongue was...not going to describe it. Let me shorten this for you: I hated every microsecond of it.

I hated it.

I tried to knee him where it hurts, but he pinned my leg down too.


"Pweese, stwooppp!!!" I tried to scream as he mashed his lips against mine again.

He stopped, and I was so grateful and relieved.

He just needed air and went back to raping my lips.


I should have yelled while I had the chance.

Dang it. I guess I was too freaking shocked that my best-friend's friend was doing this to me.

I started to cry.


Then, then he picked me up, still kissing me, and brought me to the bed.

Panic mode: on.

I kicked, thrashed, bit, scratched, attacked, anything and everything I could possibly do.

I wasn't going to let another man take advantage of me.

Nope, not this time.

"J-just stop moving!" Harry grunted.

Well frick you too.

Then I heard it. I heard a zipper being unzipped.

What the freaking hell, do I attrack these type of people or something? The rapists?

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