Chapter 11

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*****dedicated to Swag_like_1d for all the comments! Thank you so much!******

"Hey, man, I am looking for my sister, her name is Sky. Have you seen her?"

Sky's eyes bulged out of her head. She resumed shaking,

What the heck?


(Sky's POV)

[10 minutes before]

I slowly woke up from my amazing dream. I was rich, got to live in a penthouse in New York City, and I bought everything I wanted. Darn. I hate waking up, because then I realize that I will never get those things. Dang it.

Wait, why is someone touching my leg...? Oh shit.

Matt must have found me.

I jumped up and screamed. For a slight second I met the brown eyes of a stranger and the green eyes of another.

Maybe they were Matt's friends. I screamed as loud as I could.

This couldn't be happening, it couldn't.

I thought I found a house and he ran away. Wait. I am still in this house. What?

I heard the two guys bickering but I didn't care.

I was shivering like mad for two reasons: I was so totally freaked out, and two, I was so totally freezing.

Finally, after a couple of minutes, one guy got up and started to walk closer to me.

I started to freak out even more. I was going to get ready to run and kick him, but he put his arms out in defense.

From the blood pounding in my ears, I could barely make out the words, "I am not going to hurt you."

Well, thats what Matt said and look where I am now!

My throat was begining to sting from all the screaming, so I quieted down. The man seemed to relax a little.

I wouldn't let him see me, so I hid my face in my hands and buried them in my lap.

"Are you hurt?" Yes, of course I'm hurt you dumbass, look at me!

I held my tongue though.

Maybe he was actually a nice person? Nah, he was probably just going to gang rape me.

I can't trust anyone anymore, even if he does look sincere.

His words awoke me from my daydream: "What's your name?"

I thought to myself, "Well, its Sky, but-"

"Sky, thats a pretty name." Oops, I guess I accidentally said my name out loud. Shit.

I finally mustered up enough courage to look up.

Both of the men had gotten closer to me. The brown-eyed one was squating and the other was kneeling before me.

I mini hyperventilated. The last time men were so close to me, well, you know what happened.

I must say, both of the guys were quite handsome looking. They looked around, I don't know, maybe, eighteen?

I have a thing for curly hair, so the green-eyed one stood out to me.

Next thing I knew, he put his arm towards me. I started to freak out.

Tears escaped my eyes and I began to look down. He was going to hurt me. I knew it!

Just then the brown-eyed one spoke. I didn't notice his hair before, but, I quite liked it. What is it...a quiff?

"Can you talk?" he questioned.

I thought for a minute, but causiously nodded. I didn't want to talk to him, or to anybody. I had to tell him the truth though.

Like I said, they both seem like nice far, at least. I don't want to make it all difficult by not speaking.

"Ok, so can you tell me, what happened, like how did you get all these bruises?" one of them said to me.

Dang, he had to ask. You know what? If he didn't know how I got them, why waste my time and bother them?

I really don't want to talk about what happened, so I shook my head no. For a moment he seemed flustered, but then the doorbell rang.

In my head I started to freak out, but I thought, "maybe it's their friends," I tried to convince myself this but something in my head was screaming, "no! Run!"

The door opened to reveal...Matt. His face made me want to throw up.

I could see his dark hair sticking to his face by sweat. He must have been running all around trying to find me

"Hey, man, I am looking for my sister, her name is Sky. Have you seen her?"

Sister? Oh, so he is going to play that card, isn't he? What, going door to door pretending to 'lose' his little sister so that he can get the people who found me to just give me up.

My eyes bulged out of my head. I was frozen in shock. I couldn't move I was so terrified.

Please man, please don't say anything! Please!

The brown-eyed boy stared at me, and then did said something which I couldn't quite hear.

Though I did hear Matt scream,

"Please! Let me just check, I know she is here somewhere, we are about to go eat dinner and my father is freaking out. She has some 'issues' you know? She needs her medication! Please!" I scoffed.

He is the one that needs medications.

The brown-eyed guy shook his head and slammed the door shut. The green-eyed guy looked at his friend, and then back to me, and then back to his friend.

They had a secret conversation with their eyes and I felt left out.

"Sky..." the brown-eyed one said hesitantly, "is what he said true?" I couldn't shake my head no enough.

The, ok, lets call him 'Harry' because he has curly hair, and I like it.

So 'Harry's' lips twitched to form a little smile.

I returned the smile. The first time in how many days that I smiled? That thought made me smile even more.

"Then, then who is he and why does he want you?" 'Harry' asked me.

Since the brown-eyed one refused to tell Matt that I was here, I trusted him.

He could have easily given me up, but he didn't. He must have seen the expression on my face.

"Th-thank you" I said, ignoring the question that 'Harry' asked me.

The brown-eyed one nodded.

"I-thank you again. He-he-I-then-and-" I couldn't hold my tears in any longer.

Great, now I sound like I have problems.

'Harry' came up and soothingly rubbed small circles on my back.

At first, I flinched, but then started to relax. I hope he didn't notice.

"He-" I knew I would have to tell someone eventually, so I just let it out. "He KID-KIDN-KIDNAPPED ME!" I screamed and curled up in a fetal position.

Now the other boy and 'Harry' circle around me and tried to calm me down with no use.

I said it. Done.

Again, the two boys had a silent conversation and then stared at me.

"It will all be alright, I promise," one of them said, but I didn't look up to see.

Those words were almost exactly like what Matt had said earlier this week. Am I alright?

Hell to the no.

I broke down even more.

"You can't promise that." I whispered and began to sob until my eyes started to feel heavy. Real heavy...

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