Chapter Two.

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  Back For You - Chapter Two.

                                           Tap. Tap. Tap.

Peyton looked to her side, watching as the boy impatiently tapped his pencil against his desk. His eyes were zeroed in on the clock. He didn’t even bother to glance over at Peyton when she frowned at him.

She tried her best to block out the sound and turned to the test in front of her. She brought the pencil to her paper and for the fifth time in fifteen minutes, she traced the outline of her name while looking at the row of blank answers on her paper. She mentally cursed herself for not studying last night.

She tangled her fingers into her wavy brown hair and tugged with a huff of frustration. Not even a minute later did the bell ring, signaling the end of class.

She waited until everyone piled out of the classroom before she stood and made her way to Ms. J’s desk, settling the blank test on in front of her teacher. Ms. J glanced up from her paperwork and eyed the paper with a look of distress on her features.

She looked up at Peyton, pushing her glasses up from the bridge of her nose and asking, “Didn’t get it?”

“Something like that,” Peyton mumbled and reached up, tucking a lock of hair behind her ear. “Sorry, Ms. J, I-“

Ms. J was quick to cut her off, “It’s alright, Peyton. I know what you’re going through is very difficult at the moment.”

Peyton was about to object, but quickly decided not to. It was futile, anyway.

All the teacher’s did this. When Peyton was unable to finish an assignment, they’d excuse her immediately and send her that same pity-filled glance that she hated so much. Then they’d assure her she could retake the test and that if Peyton needed, she could come talk to them. Instead of arguing like she desperately wanted to, she simply nodded her head and sent somewhat of a grateful smile in their direction.

She found that when she didn’t argue about her well-being with others, they seemed to think she was progressing and getting better. So they left her alone.

And Peyton liked that. She was tired of hearing everybody say, “This is just a bump in the road, sweetheart. It’ll be okay.”

She scoffed and thought right after, a bump in the road? More like a mountain in the road.

“Thanks Ms. J,” She forced herself to say as politely as possible. “See you tomorrow.”

Ms. J nodded, sent her a weak attempt at a smile, and drew her attention back to the paperwork in front of her.

Peyton exited the room with a sigh of relief and took her usual path to the lunch room. She sat at her usual table. With her usual lunch. Ham and cheese sandwich, chips, and a bottle of water.

She ate quickly. Not because she was hungry, but for the reason she wanted to get out of the cafeteria and escape the stares from people who watched her from across the lunch room.

The only time she ever looked up from her lunch was when Mel, an old friend that Peyton use to converse with, stopped in front of the table and took a seat.

“Hey, Peyton, how are you?” Mel breathed with a friendly smile on her face. Peyton wasn’t shocked by Mel’s sudden approach. For some reason, Mel still had it in her head that Peyton and her were as good as friends as before. Peyton thought she was stupid for believing that.

Peyton hadn’t had a real conversation with Mel since she returned back home to her small town. Come to think of it, she hadn’t had a real conversation with anyone. Not even with her own mother.

She knew they were all wondering what happened those months she was locked up in Tyler’s basement. Her mother would try to border on into the subject, but Peyton was quick to shut herself off from her mother’s constant worrying and questions. Peyton never wanted to speak about it. The only thing she wanted to do was forget. But they wouldn’t let her. Then again, her own mind wouldn’t let her forget.

“Fine, Melissa. Yourself?” Peyton replied in a monotone. Mel frowned at the use of her full name but a second later, a fake smile was plastered on her full lips.

“I’m great,” She said. “Listen, me and the gang are gonna catch a movie this Saturday, you should come.”

Peyton glanced over Mel’s shoulder to see the rest of her old group of friends watching intensely. They quickly looked away when they saw Peyton’s blank and serious expression.

Peyton eyes flickered back over to Mel. “I’m busy.”

“Busy?” Mel repeated, as if the word was foreign to her.

“Yeah,” Peyton nodded and shoved the last piece of her sandwich in her mouth. “With a science project. But maybe another time.”

Mel bit down on her lip, nodding, “Yeah. Another time.” Peyton stood abruptly, shoving her garbage into the plain brown bag. Mel’s eyebrows furrowed together in confusion. “Where are you going?”

“Ms. Aguilera,” Peyton said. She didn’t need to say anymore, Mel understood immediately.

“Oh, right. I forgot you see her daily.” Mel stood as well, “Do you hate it?”

“More than anything,” Peyton answered honestly.

“But it’s helping right?” Mel’s blue eyes darted to Peyton’s forearm and stared at the rugged scar that stretched from her wrist to her elbow. The scar Tyler had given her. “Things will get better, Peyton. You’ll see.”

Peyton tugged down her sleeve and nodded. “I’ll hold you to that. Bye Melissa.”

“Bye Peyton,” Mel waved meekly, “And if you change your mind and want to go to the movies with us on Saturday, just call. You have my number.”

Again, Peyton gave Mel a curt nod. “Sure. If I get done with my science project, I might.” It was a lie. An evident lie. But Mel smiled and turned on her heel, walking off back to her friends that Peyton use to call her own.

The sad part was that there was no science project she had to do. And that Mel knew that, seeing as they were in the same class.


The reason it's so short is because I'm uploading it in different parts and I don't want to overwhelm you guys. But the other parts will be up soon. Tell me what you think!

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