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Nera POV

I am still on my office doing works. After I saw the time pass home time, I start to clean all the messed.

Jin: Nera, you still here?

Nera: Yeah, I didn't relize it's pass time.

Jin: You really work hard.

Nera: You too.

Jin: Wanna have some dinner together?

Nera: Su-

Before she chould answer, her phone ringing. It's from Taehyun. Then she feel uneasy.

Nera: Sorry. I need to pick thid up.

Jin: Go on.

I walk farther and answer.

Nera: Yeah kiddo?

Taehyun: You have troble at home.

Nera: What? What now?

Taehyun: Your ex is here!

Nera: What?! Fine, I back home now.

I end up the call and went back to Jin.

Nera: Sorry Jin, I can't join you dinner tonight. I have home problem with my brothers now.

Jin: Nah, It's okay. You may go now. Bye Nera. Save drive. Goodnight.

Nera: You too. Goodnight.


I open the door and went in. I saw my ex on living room.

???: Babe, you home.

Nera: Stop it Choi Minho. What now? Hurting me again? I'm move on.

Minho: Move on? Hurting you? Babe, you know I never did that.

Daniel: I'm done with him. I try my best sis.

Nera: Take Taehyun to his room.

Taehyun: I'm not a kid.

Nera: Seriously? Now? Just go.

Daniel sigh and pull Taehyun's ear so he can follow Daniel.

Minho: Babe, I miss you so much. You become more beatiful.

He about to kiss him but I let him kiss on my pulm.

Nera: Minho, just go home. I'm sick of this.

Minho: I miss you so much.

Nera: What the heck?! What the hell is your problem?! You cheat on me! You the one ask me to move on and I did. Now you come back begging me to be with you? In your dream Minho. We date for fucking 7 years before and you cheat on me 6 month before we break up! Fuck off!!!!!

I push him out of my house and lock it.

Nera: That asshole. By the way, the boys mush didn't eat yet. I will cook.

After done cook, I call the boys down.

Nera: Babies! Food is ready!

Then the two off them get to the kitchen.

Daniel: Noona, stop calling us like we are your sons.

Taehyun: I don't care.

I pinch Taehyun's cheeks becouse he is so cute while eating.

Nera: No Kang Euigeon, what ever happen you still my baby okay? Why you didn't still get use with it? I call you that for every day.

Daniel: Phm...

Taehyun: Are noona and hyung free tommorow? Our school will have family lunch time. Since we don't have eomma and appa with us, I think you two should come. Pretty please?

He make some puppy eyes that I can't even stand.

Nera: Fine. I'll request for half day tommorow.

Daniel: Why you always use that words so I can attend for your school program? Fine, By the way my boss gave me off.

Taehyun: Thanks noona, hyung, I love you teo so much.

To be continue.

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