Part 7

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Daniel POV

I really hate Jihyo after I watch the video. I do relize it long time ago but I try ignore it.

What Taehyun have plan on, it's really genious, so today is the revange. No one can hurt my family exspecially my noona. Why? She mean world to me. She everything. She like a mother to me. I don't know what happen to me if she gone.

Daniel: Hey bae~

Urgh... it's so disgusthing came out from my mouth. This bicth doen't deserve that nickname.

Jihyo: Yes baby?

Bitch! Stop call me that! You fake.

Daniel: Let's go out. I'm bored.

Jihyo: Okay. Let's go.

We entered car and I start driving.

Jihyo: Where we going anyway?

Daniel: Some beautiful place.

Then I brougth her to police station.

Jihyo: W-why we here?

Daniel: Ouh yeah. Sorry. I didn't tell you. Actually, I have report to tell police. Don't you mind follow me?

Jihyo: Can't you go alone?

Daniel: Aww~ please? I swear that I'll brig ypu to shopping mall.

Jihyo: Fine.

We get in the police station together. Then I went to the officer.

Daniel: I'm Kang Euigeon. I have meeting with my friend, Mr.Min.

Officer: Okay, let me call him.

I nodded then take a sit beside Jihyo. After that, I saw my noona come in police station same time as Yoongi come to us.

Yoongi: Miss Park Jihyo, you under arested trying to killed Miss Kang Nera and trying to steal Mr.Kang Euigeon's moneys.

Jihyo: What? Babe? What? You have no proof!

I take Nera noona's phone and show the video. She look at me with widden eyes.

Jihyo: I-

Daniel: We over.

Then they bring Jihyo out of our way. I feel angry and sad at same time. I feel heart broken.

Nera: Please don't sad of her Daniel.

Daniel: No noona. I'm not sad becouse of her. I sad becouse of you. I didn't expect that a perfact girl like you would get eneny like Jihyo.

Nera: Hey. It's okay. She gone now that's mean I'm safe.

Then I hug her tighly.

Daniel: I never tought that I put you in danger. I should know when the first time you meet her.

Nera: That okay.

Nera POV

I broke our hug and look at him crying.

Nera: Kang Euigeon a real baby huh? Stop crying okay? Eomma is here.

I hug hus back then patting his head.

Daniel: You mean everything to me. Why I didn't cry if I put you in danger.

Nera: Hey. No one in danger nor putting me in danger okay?

I said that while broke our hug. I kiss him on cheek.

To be continue

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