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Nera POV

I sitting alone looking outside raining. The scene of Jin with a girl that I just know make me feel so hurt.


I was shopping for new cloth since my new cloth a little old. When I'm walking pass ice cream shop, something make me stop. I went back to the shop and looking the menu of ice cream.

Nera: hmm~. Mint chocolate ! I think Yeonjunnie and Hyungning Kai shi will love this. Better buy it for them since tha. Ouh ya. Don't forget vanila and Chocolate.

I went to the casheir and orders ice cream.

Cashier: Good afternoon ma'am. What can I get you?

Nera:  Please give me threebowls of mint choco, one bowl of cherry, one bowl of vanila and two bowls of chocolate.

I wait for a while and sit on the table.

I look around. My eyes stop at someone that I really know.

Nera: Is that Jin?

I ask myself. Yes that he is. He with someone. A girl. Hm.. propely his crush. They look so close. They even feed eacth other ice cream.

Cashier: Ma'am, these my your ice cream.

I paid and quickly left. Not wanting Jin to notice me.

End Of Flasback.

???: NOONA!

I back to reallity when someone call me. I look at the person and it's Hyuning Kai.

Nera: Hey. What is it?

Hyuning Kai: I saw seven bowls of ice cream on the fridge. Can I have one?

Nera: OMG! I brpught them for you guys. Get the ice creams. I'll call the others.

Hyuning Kai: Okay.

Taehyun: What ice cream you buy for us noona?

Nera: Secret. Now seat follow you age. The oldest first. Since I'l the oldest, so I get mine. Mine was mintcholate.

Daniel &TXT except Yeojun & Hyuning Kai: Erk...

Yeonjun & Hyuning Kai: Are you gonna eat that all?

Nera: I'll eat it all since it's mine. Next is Chocolate for Daniel.

Daniel: Thanks sis.

He left after get his ice cream.

Nera: Yeonjun get mint chocolate. Soobin get normal chocolate, Beomgyu get vanila, Taehyun get cherry and Hyuning Kai get mint chocolate.

They get their ice cream and eat them.

Yeonjun: You guys want you try mine?

Taehyun&Soobin&Beomgyu: No way! We already have our's.

Hyuning Kai: Why you guys hate mint chocolate? Even author love it. Right author?

Author: Don't get me involed, kid. But yeah. Mean chocolate is my favourite.

Hyuning Kai: YAH! I'm older then you!

Author: By two years.

Hyuning: The heck?

Soobin: I think autor already crazy.

Taehyun: Yeah. It's taste like toothpaste.

Beomgyu: This flavour should't exited at all.

While TXT is talking about mint chocolate. Daniel just eat his ice cream with saying nothing while I was looking at them like stupid.


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