Quite the bastard

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My eyes fluttered open, the scorching sun shone through my blinds. My (colour) painted room with everything I needed everywhere. Just how I liked it. I slowly sat up, sending my gaze towards my alarm clock. The time read 7:05 AM. I sighed before looking around my room for the one main thing that kept me happy. I spotted the lighter and cigarettes next to them, gladly, I stood up and made my way towards them.

A knock erupted from behind me, and I flicked my attention to my door.

"Y/n love! Are you up?" My mothers voice filled my ears as I grunted and replied back

"No. " I swiped the lighter and cigarettes up before putting my (colour) top on and pulling my skirt up. I carefully placed my jumper on myself before placing my phone in a pocket. I heard my mum wander down the stairs as I grunted and opened the pack of cigarettes. I placed the cig between my lips and flicked the lighter on. The smoke filled the air and I took a big whiff of it. I wasn't addicted to smoking. I mean, I could stop if I wanted to. But I don't want to right now. I can control myself though, its really when I am really stressed or if I am bored. I threw my bag over my shoulder before opening the door, the wood creaked open and I blew the smoke out. I began to walk downstairs, blowing a couple times to get rid of the smoke before meeting my mothers gaze at the bottom.

"Y/n, I do not approve of you smoking, even less in my house" She hesitantly stated as I blew out again.

"m/n I simply couldn't care less about your smoking rule" I stated as I pounded down the stairs and hugged her, turning back around and heading to the door.

"Have a good day!" she blew a kiss and I smiled and nodded.

Needless to say, my dad was rarely around, my parents didn't realise I was depressed at the age of 12 and things sort of spiraled down from then. However I still am alive, today at least, because I fear death. I am Y/N L/N, a (age or made up age) year old school student, and I fucking hate everything. I began my walk to school, the blossoming trees with petals falling around made quite the sight. I was peacefully enjoying my walk, until an annoying ass voice appeared.


and then another one

"Hi JoJo!"

and so on

"Hey JoJo!" "JoJo" "JoJo, how is your day?" "Hiiii JoJo!!"

I began to get annoyed before two arguing voices chimed in. They were calling each other the most retarded things. But I didn't react, like usual, but someone else did.

"Shut up! You are annoying me!" Silence, nice, before of course, screams. I began to walk down before I stopped, resting against a tree too see whoever this 'big man' was. I blew a puff of smoke out as a tall man walked by, a jumper, black, with a gold chain attached to it. Followed by dozens of fan girls. I blew another puff of smoke out before tapping it on my finger.

"poor man" I muttered as I heard more foot steps. As this man approached the stairs some blood squirted out, I stood up as he began to fall. Questions began to flood my mind.

'what?' 'what was that?' 'I didn't see anything'

I stood up and searched around, only to find the girls running after him, and a man, tall as well, but not too tall, start to walk away from a painting... of the man? I slowly and hesitantly followed this pink haired dude. Who had started to walk down the stairs by now. Once he was at the bottom I realized something was fishy about him. Could he have powers like me? I jumped, high off the ground as he gave the man a napkin thing and started to fall to the bottom, aiming my leg at this man. Only he saw it, and as I approached (teehee) the bottom of the stairs he dodged my leg, causing the ground to shatter beneath me. I placed a hand on the ground as I stood up straight, once again, blowing a puff of smoke out.

"Hey, do you have any connections to something along the lines of a ghost that helps you" I tried to not die of how long this took.

"Well, I see you mean stands. Yes, I do" he smiled.

Hmm, so they are called stands, he might be talking about something else//

"Yare Yare Daze" A voice that sent chills down my spine sounded from behind me. The large man stood beside me as a sharp pain exploded through my leg, I glanced down to the spot I figured the pain was coming from, and sure enough a cut was placed right there.

"Hey, what the fuck man! I am already covered in scars!" I hissed at the man beside me, a black coat and a hat is all I can describe him as. And, his good looks.

"Yare Yare Daze, what do you mean bitch?" He glanced over, allowing me to get a better view of his face. And wow, his eyes stood out, so blue and handsome, his jawline, his black curly-ish hair. Just so.. perfect.

"The cut on my leg shit-ass" I retorted as I glanced at him, he didn't seem to react but the pink haired due did.

"Oh so you think it is funny!? Huh!!? Undead!" I growled loudly as my stand 'Undead' appeared behind me. The black locks fell behind her as her beautiful body got into a fighting stance.

"And so I was told, two people who were the hardest, manifested stands of such power. Undead and another stand are some of the most powerful apparently" Rose hair stated before turning "And, names Kakyoin" He then left.

"Undead? That's your stand?" The man beside me chimed in, looking at where my stand was placed.

"Wait, you can see her?" I choked on my words a bit, as no one had ever seen my stand.

"Mh, well, Jotaro Kujo is my name, come with me to the first aid shit. We need to talk"

He began to walk away, his coat flowed as I hesitantly started to follow.


To be continued.....

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⏰ Last updated: Aug 25, 2019 ⏰

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