Chapter Ten

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Harry found himself standing in front of a mirror. One with a golden frame, and the word Erised engraved at the top. In the mirror, he saw two people he did not know standing on either side of him. A man, and a woman. 

For some reason they seemed familiar, and he felt he should have known them.

"Harry," the woman said, placing her hand on his shoulder.

He felt her fingers on his skin, and frantically turned around. However, there was nothing. Only an empty room.

He turned back to the mirror, the couple was still standing beside him.

"Oh Harry, my beautiful son," she said, smiling sadly.

"Mom?" He heard himself ask, his voice breaking.

He now realized the resemblance between the two of them and himself.

The women had beautiful red hair and bright emerald eyes that matched his own. While the man had matching raven hair and round specs over his brown eyes.

"Harry?" his father asked.


It was all too much. He didn't want this memory, he didn't want to know. He tried to back away, but found that he couldn't move.

"They're coming son."

"Who's coming?"

"Run Harry! Run!"

"Please just tell me-"


Harry was woken up with a start. His eyes snapped open and searched the room. However, he found that he was no longer lying in his bed in the dorm, instead he was standing in the room identical to the one in his dream. The mirror of Erised stood in front of him, reflecting his own reflection. 

He stepped closer, placing the palm of his hand onto the cold glass. It seemed to heat up upon the touch of his hand, and he quickly pulled away. 

He found himself looking around at his surroundings for unlike in his dream, this room was filled with stacks of old wooden chairs and tables. The dust pooled over and around them, some were even covered in large cobwebs, showing that no one had been there in a long time.

Out of the corner of his eye, Harry spotted something in the mirror. He quickly turned his head towards it, but was met with only his reflection. He frowned. It was strange, he could have sworn he'd seen a flash of blonde hair in the mirror. But it must have been a trick of the eye.

He let out a heavy sigh and made his way to the door, only taking one last look at the mirror before leaving and shutting the door softly behind him. 

Before he went to sleep, Harry figured that his strange dream was just that, a dream, and decided to forget about it. He did not have any other dreams the rest of the night.

The next morning Harry couldn't wait to meet everyone. When the ginger boy, Ron, told him he had many friends, he was ecstatic. He went from being alone for weeks, to having a whole school full of friends.

And his pale friend, who he found out his name is Draco, was also there. Even Hermione looked happy, wrapped up in Ron's warm embrace, her smile now bigger than Harry had ever seen. So all was great. And Harry couldn't be more happy.

He wandered the halls with the spark of wonder in his dead eyes, distracted by each and every thing. He just couldn't believe that this was the place he grew up in, it was too fancy in his opinion. The school was a freaking castle for christ sakes! But Harry loved it all the same.

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