Chapter 19 (Trigger warning)

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One Month Later (Kayla's POV)

Hey you guys it's me Kayla,to update you guys on what's been going on Makayla's mom is still in the hospital in a coma,the doctors want us to pull the plug but we have faith that she is going to pull through. I have been praying and praying that she makes it because i don't wanna see Makayla go through the process of burying her mom. As for that bitch ass nigga that pulled the trigger,turns out that it wasn't Michael,it was somebody Michael hired to put a hit on Ms.brittany.

He most likely roaming the streets,Makayla wants to kill him but i told him that karma is going to catch up to him but she doesnt believe me,I just don't want her to get arrested.

Bam bam bam! (Im sorry in advance to all my black people😭)

"Police, open up". I opened the door and it was 3 white police officers at my door. "Yes sir,how may i help you?" "We are looking for Makayla Jackson." "Makaylaaaa!" "Yes baby-" she paused when she saw the police. "How may i help you?" "You are under arrest." "What."

They grabbed makayla and put her in handcuffs. "Don't you think that y'all are doing a bit much for one itty bitty girl?" "You shut your mouth". Now normally i would argue back but these are police we are talking about,white police at that,I will pass.

"Stop resisting." "Sir i'm not even moving,you guys are moving me around." "I said shut up!" They moved her to the police car and they just started driving,they didn't even tell makayla her Miranda rights or even why she is being arrested.

Makayla's POV

They didn't read me my miranda rights so i guess i'm just going to mess with them. "Can you tell me why am i being arrested?" "Shut up nigger".

Did he just- i swear if i wasnt in handcuffs i would fuck his ass up but I'll be quiet but when he leave I'll be back talking again.

We finally pulled to the police station,i honestly don't know why i'm here because im not talking to them without my lawyer.

They got me out and we went to a    interrogation room. "Miss Jackson,we have a few questions to ask you." "Im not speaking to nobody without my lawyer" i know the law very well so they can't trick me.

"You are being charged for murder there is no need for a lawyer." This motherfucker really think he can get over on me. "With all due respect sir,i know the law and if you don't want to speak to detective without a lawyer i don't have to,innoncent until proven guilty right?"

He walked away i'm guessing to call my lawyer,who knows?

30 minutes later

My lawyer walked in,i forgot to mention that my lawyer is actually my auntie and she knows everything that went on between me, my mom and dad.

"Can you explain to me why is my client being held in an interrogation room?" " your client is being charged with 2nd degree murder." Wait a damn minute, 2nd degree murder,when this bitch pointed a gun at my mom.

"Well detective Haynes, if you must know, I was already informed about the situation and her dad used to beat on her all the time, he even tried to rape her for being lesbian,do you know how that feels? Huh, do you know how feels to be beaten and almost raped just for trying to love who you love, and as far as the murder goes, my client, her mom and siblings were staying at a hotel because they were going through a really ugly divorce,the record that y'all have for this alleged murder is false,the person shot her mom and now her mom is in a life threatening coma."

See why I said I wanted my lawyer, i didnt even need to say anything. The detective looked so shocked. "You can be released."

They finally let me go and instead of calling Kayla i just got in the car with my auntie. "You know you can sue right?" "For falsely accusing yea i know." "So are you going to go through with it?" "Give me time to think about it."

We arrived at kayla's apartment and i got out. "Hey babe." "Hey, i was worried,what happened?" "Well we went there and they told me that i was being arrested for 2nd degree murder and i told them i wasn't speaking to them without my lawyer so she came and she told them everything and they let me go." "That's crazy,are the charges dropped?" "I hope so,I might sue for falsely accusing." " You should."

Beep beep beep-

My iphone was flashing and vibrating signaling that I had a phone call. "Hello?" " , Makayla this is Dr. Nepps, I need to speak to you,are you alone?" "Yes, I am." "Im calling in regards to your mom,look she's not improving, I'm sorry to say but you need to pull the plug." "Listen doctor,I dont know if you believe in God but I do and the God I serve is mighty,you have to believe me,she will wake up soon just hold on a little while longer." "She's not up in the next few weeks, we you have to think about pulling the plug."

I hung up. I know its his job but when you have God all things are possible,or are they?

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