Chapter 26

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Kayla's POV

It's been a week since we filed a missing person's report. The police said they have searched everywhere but they couldn't find her.

"I say we take matters into our own hands and go find her."

"Slow your roll,what happened to being the paranoid Kayla who didnt wanna go anywhere except her room?"

"I still am a little paranoid but I just dont want anything to happen to Yolanda,I know how much she means to you."

"You're right."

"I feel like she's closer than we think."

"What exactly do you mean?" Makayla said.

"I feel like the police are searching far out when we should be searching in the area."

"So where exactly do you want to search?"

"Lets start by searching between here and college park, me and makayla will search in this area and Jaxon will search in the college park area."

"So what am I supposed to do?"

"Sit here with Ms.brittany and the kids,I will let you know if we find anything."

We loaded up with guns,just for the simple reason of you never know. I grabbed my phone and keys.

"Where do you want to start looking?"

"Uhh,go by the embassy suites."

20 minutes later

We searched all around the embassy suites and we even asked the workers has she been inside and they all searched the records and found nothing.

Ring ring ring


" I need you to come here quick."

"Ok,where are you?"

"144 Maine Street,I'm in a alley"

"Be there in a minute."

10 minutes later

"Where the hell is this alley?"

"Right here."


"Yea." He said.

"Where is- oh."

"Is she dead?"

"Barely,she has a pulse but it's faint."

"Let's call an ambulance then call our mom's."

Ashley's POV


"Yea Britt?"

"I have feelings for you."

"How can you possibly have feelings for me when you don't even like girls?"

"I like you, you are different,you took my kids in and you helped us, i know this was supposed to be a protection thing but I fell for you."

"I appreciate that but right now I can't do anything with that information,I haven't even heard from Yolanda in God knows how long and who knows what happened to her."

"I understand."

Ring ring ring


"Mom, we found her,she's being transported to a hospital,she has a pulse but it's very faint."

"Ok,we are on the way."

Call ended

"What happened?"

"They found her but it's not looking to good,get the kids,I'll meet you in the car."

25 minutes later

"Any news?"

"No,the doctors just went back there a few minutes ago."

5 minutes later

"Family of Yolanda?"


"I'm sorry, we couldn't save her,she had tremendous amounts of cocaine in her system,you can view the body if you would like."

"I'll go."

"Mom are you sure,I'll go with you if you want to."

"Yea come on."


I immediately broke down the minute I saw her. "This just doesn't feel right."

"I know mom."

"No matter what you will always have my heart,let's go."

Kayla's POV

Something about this whole situation is off,yolanda doesn't even do drugs,is it possible that she got set up?

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