TL 46

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After finishing the filming today, I went back straight to my apartment. The filming today really helps me to forget about Taehyung. But when I reached home, my mind start to think about him again.

These past two days I didn't contact with him at all. Like Yoojung said, both of us are stubborn and have high ego.

Now, it's 12.30 a.m., yet I still can't sleep. This is really not me but tonight I am craving for a wine.

I drank the wine by myself at the counter in the kitchen. It was a lonely night, I take a sip then played with the glass. Then my phone is ringing. It was Taehyung.

I decided to not to answer it as I didn't have any mood to talk to him. The second time the phone is ringing. I pick up the call remembering the advice that Yoojung gives me.

"Babe... how are you doing now." I barely hear his voice due to much noises. Is he in the club?

"Oppa... Oppa, where are you now?"

"I am at the Gangnam. My sweetie Sohyunie, I really miss your voice."

I didn't mutter a single word because I find it was awkward. Last day, he told me that he wants a break up. Now, he told me that he is missing me. Sure, I am dating one crazy guy.

"Sohyun ah, I am sorry..."I am waiting for him to finish his sentence."...I didn't mean it. I was angry that time. That's why I said that." He added.

I was being a silent listener. When am I going to tell him about the picture?

"Sohyun ah, please don't go. Please don't leave me alone here. Don't you love me?"

"I love much." That words getting out from my mouth out of control.

I keep playing with my finger and I think I can make the decision now. Yes! It is him and only Taehyung that I need no one else.

"Oppa, let's go home now. You're totally drunk now" I heard sounds of woman being so clingy through the phone. Although it was full of noise, I still can recognize that is a woman's voice.

Then, the phone call was ended. I was left in dumbfounded. Is this a joke? Is this a prank camera? Who is that bitch with him just now? Now, the decision that I make are all scattered away.


I was distraught so much in my sleep last night. I keep on waking up. Now the clock is at 8.00 a.m., I listen to the song, Walking in the Starlight by Lee Minhyuk as I dozing off on the bed.

I need to find something to do in order to keep Taehyung out of my mind. I searched for my the script that I need to review before the filming. I keep on searching for it in the whole house yet I didn't found it. Maybe I left it somewhere.

Ah, it must be at Taehyung's apartment. I remember reading it when I was at his. Should I go and take it. It is important since I have filming tomorrow. Should I ask my manager to take it?

Ah no! She is off today. Do I really net to take my script at his apartment. Well, I'll just go first. Who know he is at his dorm with the members.

I guess I was the lucky one then if I didn't bump to him. If he is not at home, should I really barge into his apartment?

After putting so much thought, I take my car key and starts driving to his apartment.

In front of his apartment, I hesitated once again. Should I ring the bell or not?

After mustered up my courage, I ring the bell. It seems like someone is there inside the apartment. I waited for a minute, finally the door is opening.

I take a step inside the house and found no one inside the house. But there are clothes scattered everywhere on the floor.

"Taehyung ah." I called him but there is no answer. I look around and finally fixed my gaze towards the kitchen.

The sling band on my shoulders came off as I saw a girl, wearing Taehyung's hoodie with no pants in the kitchen. She looking at me timidly and her face full of guilt from the kitchen.

I took a step towards her and, "Who are you? How did you get in into this apartment?" I said and glares at her.

"I..." She walked a little back as I approaching her. "...Taehyung oppa brought me here last night."

To be continued.

Updatesss for you guys tonight. Sorry if I break all of your imagination.

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