TL 10

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Taehyund and I are in the departure hall waiting for our flight. Our flight supposedly at 10.30 p.m but it was delayed 30 minutes due to heavy snow. I was shivering in cold.

"Take this and warm yourselves" Taehyung handed me a cup of hot coffee. I grab the coffe and thanks him. He took a seat beside me.

"What is your group doing nowdays?" I suddenly became curious about his group.

"Nothing much. But we are preapared the best for our comeback and we'll be making our appearance at BBMA"

"Wow.. That's cool. Then, when are you going to Las Vegas?"

"Tomorrow." I gasped at his answer. OMG. Then what are you doing here?

"Then, why are you here now. Will you make it tomorrow?" I'll became worried for his group. Didn't he need to practice?

"I'm fine. No worry. Besides it will be tomorrow night not day."

Soon, we are boarding our flight. The flight started to depart at 11.15 p.m. Taehyung sleep all the way until we reached Seoul. I stared at him while he sleeping. I find he is cute when he is sleeping. I smiled.

As soon as we landed in Seoul, I turned off flight mode on my phone. I am surprised to see many missed calls from my mother. My heart is not at peace. I quickly dialed my mom's number.

"Hello mom"

"Sohyun-agh..." I hear my mom sobbing and her voice are cracking.


"Your appa.."

"What's wrong with appa" I asked unpatiently.

"Your appa got a heart attack. And he is being operated now."

I dropped my phone on the floor and my tears started to fall. Appa..

"Sohyun-ah, what's wrong?". Taehyung asks me. I couldn't answer his qiestion because I am totally in shocked. Appa never had an heart disease, how can he get heart attack.

My manager that went pick up our luggage running towards me.

"Sohyun, what's wrong with you?"

"Appa..He got an heart attack" My tears fallen down so hard now. I couldn't held ot anymore.

"Really..Now where he is?" My manager asks.

"He is at hospital now. He is being operated. Oppa..please quickly send me there"

Okay. Let's go.

"Let me come with you" Taehyung asks. I couldn't think of anything and just nodded. We hurriedly leaves the arrival hall.

There is a lot of reporters out there. They know that Taehyung and I were on the same flight. We just ignore the reporter's question and huriedly leave to the car.

"Which hospital" My manager ask.

"It's Asan Medical Centre"

The manager type in the hospital in navigation. He drives the car at it's fullest speed. I bowed my head. I am hypnosis myself that there is nothing gonna happen.

Suddenly I feel a warm hand touch my hand.

"It's gonna be okay. You don't need to worry too much" His word put my heart at ease for a while.

"Nothing gonna happens right?" I aks him and he nodded. His makes the best smile for me.

We are arriving at the hospital. We went straight to the surgery room. I see my mom is sitting at the chair waiting patiently for my father inside the surgery room.

"Omma ." I went straight into her hug. Taehyung followed me.

"Why appa got heart attack mom?"

"He is surprised to hear the news that your sister already got married and planning to stay at Canada. And she is not coming home" I am shocked to hear the news. My sister going for Canada for three years already and I never thought she'll being like this.

"It will alright." I patted my mom's back. Taehyung bowed at mom.

"Auntie, I think you should rest for a while. Let me and Sohyun stay here"

"No, I have to be here. Accompany your appa" My mom refuse.

"Omma, don't be like this. You need to rest as well. I don't want you to get sick also"

"Nurse, can you get me a room. Let this Ma'am rest for a while" Taehyumg grabs some news that were walking by.

"Sure." The nurse asists my mom to rest at the room.

After 20 minutes waiting, finally the doctor came out. Taehyung and I rushed to the door.

"How is my appa condition, doctor?"

"Thankfully the surgery went succesfull. We did angioplasty on your dad because there is a great flow of blood in the blockage artery." The doctor explained.

"When will my appa woke up"

"If there isn't any problem, he should wake up by tomorrow." Thank goodness. The doctor did well

"Thank you doctor"

I sits on the chair releasing a big burden on my shoulder.

"You can go home now. I am okay" I said to Taehyung. I pity him. I am sure he'll be tired.

"No. I'll stay here with you.."

To be continued..



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