TL 34

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"Eat a lot, you two" Omma said. Three of us enjoyed the dinner deliciously.

"You look so skinny these day. Aren't you earing properly?" Omma put sone beef on Taehyung's spoon. I look at them attentively.

"I've been a lot busier these days. Don't worry too much immo!" He said as he gulps the food down his throat.

"Sohyun too. Eat a lot."

"Yes, I will" I replied to her.

Taehyung and I told omma that we will going back to Seoul tonight. But, she insisted that we should spend the night here. I don't mind with it because Taehyung is the one who drives yet he is the one who busy.

Since Taehyung said okay, I'll fine with staying the night here. Then, I finally got time to wash up and freshen myself. Omma lends me one of her clothes since I didn't bring extra one.

"Sohyun ah, you will sleep here. Is that right?"

She showed me the room that I'll be staying. Since it was a traditional house so, there isn't bed. It was only a blanket and a pillow. But still, I am grateful enough.

"Yes. It's alright Omma. Kamsahamnida." I said.

"Then, I'll get going now." Omma turned around to go to her room but finds Taehyung peeking through my door.

"What are you doing here?"

"I just want to check up on Sohyun" Instantly, he got a hit from Omma.

"Go! To your room. Don't bother being arround here. It's night alredy." I am giggling myself when I see these two.

Taehyung's sulky face really cracked me up. He take a step behind his aunt . Omma made her way to the kitchen probably to drink a glass of water before she go to bed.

I pull the blanket to cover myself as I am ready to sleep. I was about to close my eyes, then suddenly I heard the cracking sound of my door. It was Taehyung who tip toed into my room. This guy really don't listen to his aunt.

"What are you doing?" I sit up and confused seeing him in front of me now.

"Hehe, I just want to talk with you before I went to bed." He chuckles.

"No, we talk tomorrow. What if your aunt finds out you're here?" I began anxious.

"Don't worry. My aunt wouldn't.."


We're both startled as we realized his aunt already in my room now. My eyes are totally focused at Omma right now. I am tremble. What am I going to do with my image.

"Immo..." Taehyung is stuttering and making an innocence face. He is smiling like a fool right now because he is caught by his aunt.

"You come here!"

Omma is picking up his ears and dragging him out of my room. Once again, I am laughing because of these two.

"Immo, that's hurt!" Taehyung shouted hurtly.

"Sohyun ah, lock the door." Omma said to me before leaves the room. Taehyung is being dragged to the living room. Maybe for reprimanded.

I look at my phone and it says 11.35 p.m.. I close my eyes tightly and went to my dreamland.


My eyes are still heavy to open eventhough my alarm that I set at the phone is ringing. Wait, I am not in my usual comfy bed right now.

I opened my eyes as I realized I am in Taehyung's aunt's house. I sit up and frighten to the sight of something big curling in the blanket beside mine.


What a shocked! I found Taehyung who still sleeping soundly as I peeked under the pillow. When did he get in here? And how?

Before I went to freshen up myself, I took my time to stare at his face when he sleeps. He is really handsome. I copied every inch of her face to paste on my brain and heart.

"Am I handsome enough that you couldn't take your eyes off me?"

Shit. Did he awake? I am so embarassed. I turn arround and hides my red and hot face. Am I blushing right now?

"When did you get in here?!" I said to him after I turned back towards him. I slapped his shoulders so hard to my embarassment.

"Last night. You're already sleep that time." He sit up and face towards me.

What the hell? Did he know my sleeping habits? Am I snoring last night? No, I wish I don't. But, I tend to snores if I am tired and yesterday I was so tired because of hiking.

"Ahh!!" I screamed and hides my face under the blanket.

"Shhs, quiet. My aunt will hear you." Taehyung put his finger to my lips.

"Let her hear. Let her punish you." I said angrily out of embarasment.

"It's okay. Don't worry about anything. Besides, you didn't snore so loud last night." He chuckles and omce again I feels like I want to dissappear out of his sight right now.

After gaining my concious back, I take a shower and freshen up myself. Since I didn't bring extra clothes, I wear the same clothes yesterday. Last night, I borrowed Omma's shirt which is barely fit enough for me.

After the breakfast, we hurriedly leaves to Seoul. It was sad to part wats with Omma. But what can I do, we both have to work.

To be continued.

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