chapter 6 "you can't hide"

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She's here i just have to find her and talk to her and things will be back to normal' the voice said as they stared into the mirror. Since our fallout she changed her number an changed her all her social networks so i don't have any means of contacting her, why would she do that when she knew that i can't live without her she is my life.

Soteria, was the the balance i needed to stay sane, why she broke up with me was still a puzzle, how could she have just end it when we were getting to the know each other like we knew ourselves. You will be punished for that mark my words 'teri' when i find you, you shall regret the day ever decided you didn't want me. The glass shattered on impact and the shards sliced through flesh thick drops of blood dropped from there hand but no pain was felt, for in their mind nothing could compare to the agony of losing Soteria.

"what the fuck did i tell you bout breaking shit in  the room?' the male's voice said with a fist bang on the door.

'would you shut the fuck up already, bitching bout the already broken shit in the room' shouting back at the man by the door ' did you ge the information that i needed to set things in motion?.

'yes i have as soon as you get out you can have it an i could take a fucking piss, don't know why you're so bent on getting this girl' the man replied.

Opening the door suddenly the man fell in an was greeted with the sole of the boot 'you need not worry the why just do what the fuck im paying you for an that's all that matters' pressing down a bit before walking into the bedroom.

There was a brown envelope on the bed taking a seat i stared at the photos of the most beautiful girl ever to have been born, she shall be mines either of her own free will or by force it matters not to me. In the end of it all they all become pieces in my collection frozen in there beauty, Soon it would be as it was meant to be.

'Jack that is the girl trail her and let know all of her movements,' i said knowing that he can hear me with a grunt of acknowledgement i laid back an stared at her picture, 'Soon,soon you'll be mine or none shall have you if i can't'.



Venus's POV

'listen up everyone ' the DJ's voice said over the speakers gaining everyone's attention ' you know what it means to be here and all have to participate in the midnight race' a chorus of 'hell yes', 'fuck yeah', and 'whoa's' were shouted.

With a chuckle he continued ' settle down, settle down, OK so for the new comer's it's a little like a game of catch only instead of you being out of the game we have put a small twist when all the females or males who are the recipient of a dominant you shall have to bare your neck in submission and receive a 'love bite' as proof.........' he was cut off by the sudden uproar of boo's an yeah's waving a hand for silence 'yes yes i know its primal but that's the way it has been, now how ever the ones who we shall call 'submissives' get a fifteen minute head start to run before the 'dominants' start after them OK, so i would suggest that you go get some water and rest up cause the race starts in thirty minutes' he finished an the lyrics of 'Seether's 'because of me' blasted from the speakers.

Through the link i have with my fellow pack mates i felt the emotions of each of them for the chase that was about to happen, the majority of the people here was wolves and we liked the idea of chasing prey. It felt like the most pleasurable thing is running your prey to the ground but when you're chasing your mate no words could describe the feelings of chasing the other half of your soul.

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