Being Mated to Felix Volturi Would Include:

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Wearing his clothes. Having vampiric senses, he'd love it when you wear his clothes. Really, anything that mixes his scent with yours is catnip to the man. And with his height of 6ft 7in, any commandeered attire would dwarf your smaller frame. Grinning like a lovestruck fool, he'd tower over you–his heart melting as he caresses your cheek. "I like it better on you, amore."

Teasing him about his age. The man belongs in a museum. Not because he's a walking work of art you'd like to worship with your tongue–though you've little doubt that modern art galleries would get into catfights over him. No, no, the reason is much simpler. He's old: really, really, REALLY old. By Jupiter, he predates the ruins of Pompeii. He's that old.

Note: His cock could, therefore, be categorized as an ancient artifact.

He'd love how animated you are. Oh, that's such a beautiful painting! What? It's how old? *Immediately scambles back* What the heck, Felix, why didn't you tell me! You'd been within breathing distance and he'd said nothing. Now the priceless artifact was going to turn to dust. You'd never trust him again.

Historically accurate role-playing. Have a secret Mr Darcy fetish? Behold, Regency Felix! He'd graciously let you strip him down until he looks like the cover of a Harlequin romance novel.

Note: He'd also employ antiquated diction to add an element of realism to your coupling.

Interesting lingerie options. Not only has Halloween become a thousand times better, but imagine the possibilities! Seeing him in Roman Armor? *Swoons* How about a Shakespearean masquerade ball at Castello Volturi, complete with intricate masks? You'd shiver in awareness as he circles you mid-dance. Those red eyes would burn like embers from the shadows of his mask. Only your palms are touching now, but later...? Oh, you lucky, lucky duck.

He'd show off. Cocky–brazenly so. Knowing you take optical delight in his flexing muscles? Oh, he'll wheel out an arsenal of flirtatious merriment. In the middle of trials, this scoundrel's been known to send you winks–making you thankful for your inability to blush. And the way he looks at you? The man's positively sinful.

High sexual activity. Set aside the obvious reasons, and let's examine the man himself. He's debatably the strongest vampire in all Volterra. Needless to say, he's big, bad, and packing centuries of experience. Kama Sutra? A beginner's guide, my sweet.

Remember, he's also in possession of an animalistic side to his personality. Expect rough sex. While he'd never hurt you, he loves making you scream in pleasure–considering it a challenge to see how far he can push you.

● Worrying about him. It doesn't matter that he's strong–nor does his combative mastery lower your concerns. Whenever there's a fight, a part of you will always fear for your mate. Felix would take this in stride. How lucky am I to have such a mate! Never will I have reason to doubt your love when you show it each day. Like your own personal knight, he'd carry a small token within his breast pocket. For luck, my sweet.

Note: Whenever you're present for trials, Felix would meet your gaze, placing a hand over his heart–as well as your gift. Even when we are apart, I hold you with me.

Lots of affection. The first time he looked into your eyes, he saw a long-awaited light–those first rays of the sunrise that will end his centuries of night. In short, once he finds you, his mate, prepare to be surrounded by his love from all sides. Late at night? Snuggles. Who cares if vampires don't sleep? He just loves holding you in his arms, burying his face in your hair as he feels your hand on his chest. *Deep sigh of a contented male*

He'd be your gentle giant. For all his charm and sass, Felix is a simple man with simple wants. So what does he want? A partner–a best friend with which to share his life. Did he return to the castle covered in ash? You'd draw him a bath, carefully cleaning his hair and holding him close.

Note: While he doesn't show it–Felix occasionally struggles with his role as executioner. Would you one day come to see him as a monster? Never. You're my mate. I love you, not what the Volturi need you to be.

Playful banter. The last thing he wants is for his mate to fear him. Half of the Volturi already do. When–instead of cowering–you tease him back, Felix would know he can't live without you. After all, Felix is a deeply playful man. Knowing you're nigh incapable of fearing him is exactly what he needs.

Note: His playful spirit is infectious. If you're shy, he'd eagerly coax you out of the shackles of insecurity until you're as deliciously sassy as him.


A little scene about Felix's favorite type of shenanigans.

"Why didn't you tell me the closet wasn't soundproofed?" you growled, slapping his arm. "I had to hear it from Jane of all people! No wonder Demetri kept choking on laughter–no doubt he's been telling anyone who'll listen."

Felix couldn't deny it. The tracker was a notorious gossip. Still, he'd never disrespect you in such a way.

"By now the kings probably know about it," you moaned. "I'll never be able to face them again."

Felix grinned, shaking his head. "My sweet, we'd hardly be the first to have such an encounter."

You paused. "Really?"

He opened his arms and you eagerly sought shelter in his embrace. Smiling softly, he caressed your cheek. "I often forget your age, but believe me, tesoro, the kings have seen and done much more scandalous things. In fact, I remember a time when such encounters were commonplace."

Did he sound wistful?

"Of course, if you're still worried, I'd be more than happy to distract you."

"That's exactly what started this mess!" you complained. "You're always distracting me."

"Am I?"

"Yes," you grumbled.

He chuckled at your feigned misery before going serious, his eyes darkening the longer he held your gaze. A low growl started in his throat.

"Eeek!" He'd suddenly plucked you from the ground, and was speeding down the halls in search of your room. This time, at least, you knew it was soundproof. Hopefully, we remember to shut the door...

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