Being Mated to Alec Volturi Would Include...

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Anonymous: Being mated to Alec Volturi from Twilight please (aged up)

*Note: In this, Alec and Jane were turned at age 18 (which for the time period, would make them look closer to their mid-to-late twenties).

● Learning how to be assertive. With Alec comes Jane. And with Jane...comes a crash course in confidence. "If someone's bothering you, tell them. If you want them to stop, make them."

Note: Since you're her brother's mate—and by default make him happy—she'd have a soft spot for you. Expect unpracticed, yet warming in a Jane-considers-me-family manner kindness.

Getting to stay human for a bit. When a Volturi member finds a human mate, said mortal is usually changed tout de suite. With you? Things may be different. Are you wanting to age a bit more? Maybe want some time to grow out your hair? (After all, you're going to be stuck with it for eternity.) Thanks to Alec's high status, your wishes would probably be granted.

● He'd accidentally hurt you. Alec is most likely a virgin. His self-control will, therefore, be...a bit compromised in heated moments. Making out? There you'd be, in the process of wrapping your arms around his neck when you shift to straddle him. At the feel of your body pressing against his groin, he'd groan, giving your arm an approving squeeze. SNAP! Cue the broken forearm.

● He'd use his gift on you. Are you in pain? Possibly because he just broke your arm? Brushing your hair as if it were a butterfly's wing, he'd silently place a hand on your arm, allowing his smoke to create a numbing cocoon while you wait for your cast.

Note: Everyone would want to sign your cast. After all, it would be the first time in centuries they'd seen one. And the vibrant neon? *Vampires hover like a flock of stray pigeons* Some would be tempted to write vulgar jokes in Latin...but after Jane's response to the one fool who actually did it, they'd resist the urge.

Becoming a vampire. (Painlessly, I might add.) Hmmm? You didn't think he'd use his gift for 72 hours straight–thus becoming incredibly weakened? Gasp! Y/N, what are you thinking? He's your mate. He loves you. Getting vampire anesthesia via Alec was never a question.

Helping Alec and Jane. Remember, the twins were burned alive at the stake. On a number of levels, this clearly left lasting scars. (Why else would they have fire-related gifts?) Thankfully, they don't sleep–yet nightmares aren't the only symptom of PTSD.

Bondage Therapy. The last time Alec was physically restrained (against his will), he was set on fire. He's, therefore, not going to enjoy any reminders of this. In fact, he may not even tolerate someone standing close behind him, as it'd feel like too much of a threat. Loving him as you clearly do, you'd want to help your poor mate.

Note: *Cue tying him to the bed and using pleasure as an incentive to stay put.* Able to free himself at any time, this risk-free activity would form new positive associations.


Quick Note: I am in no way an expert on 9th century English history.

Why would Alec and Jane look physically older than 18?

Stress. Stress ages you. Considering the fact that people suspected them to be witches, that fear alone would cause some serious aging. Also, child labor laws are a modern concept. Jane–and especially–Alec would have carried out hard labor on a daily basis. (Yes, that means Alec is probably fit.)

Trauma. Ever seen a before-and-after of someone that went to war? Trauma ages you. I'm talking gray hair, wrinkles, that I've-seen-horrors shadow that lingers in the eyes. Being accused–and found guilty–of witchcraft's bad.

Poor Health. Why do some people insist on eating only the highest quality foods? Better nutrition = better health = healthier body = less strain on the body = slower aging.

Genes. Some people age faster than others. It's just genetics. So...they could've been the type of people that look older than they are.

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⏰ Last updated: Sep 18, 2020 ⏰

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