Creepeth'r, aw sir

so we backeth in the mineth, did get our pickaxe swingin' from side to side, side, side to side
this task a grueling one, desire to findeth some diamonds tonight, night, night, diamonds tonight
heads up
thee heareth a soundeth, turneth 'round and behold up
total shocketh fills thy corse
oh nay t's thee again, i can nev'r f'rget those eyes, eyes, eyes, eyes, eyes, eyes

causeth baby tonight, the creepeth'r's tryin' to stealeth all our stuffeth again
causeth baby tonight, thee grabeth thy picketh shovel and bolteth again, bolteth again, gain
and runneth, runneth until t's done, done, until the travelling lamp cometh up in the m'rn'
causeth baby tonight, the creepeth'r's tryin' to stealeth all our stuffeth again, stuffeth again, gain

just at which hour thee bethink thou art safe, ov'rhear some hissing from right behind, right, right behind
yond's a nice life thee has't, shame t's gotta endeth at this timeth, timeth, timeth, timeth, timeth, timeth, timeth
blows up, then thy health bar gouts and thee couldst useth a 1-up
receiveth inside beest not tardy
so anon thou art did stick in th're, half a heart is hath left but kicketh not the bucket, kicketh the bucket, kicketh the bucket, kicketh the bucket, kicketh the bucket, kicketh the bucket

causeth baby tonight, the creepeth'r's tryin' to stealeth all our stuffeth again
causeth baby tonight, grabeth thy picketh shovel and bolteth again, bolteth again, gain
and runneth, runneth until t's done, done, until the travelling lamp cometh up in the m'rn'
causeth baby tonight, the creepeth'r's tryin' to stealeth all our stuffeth again

creepeth'rs, thou art mineth ha ha
digeth up diamonds, cautel those diamonds, maketh some armeth'r
receiveth t baby, wend and f'rge yond liketh thee so, mlg pro
the sw'rd's madeth of diamonds, so cometh at me bro
ha, training in thy cubiculo und'r the t'rch-light
hone yond f'rm to receiveth thee eft f'r the big square
ev'ry single day in the whole night
creepeth'r's out prowlin', (whoo), good now

behold at me, behold at thee
taketh mine own revenge yond's what i'm gonna doth
i'm a warri'r baby, what else is new
and mine own blade's gonna teareth through thee

bringeth t
causeth baby tonight, the creepeth'r's tryin' to stealeth all our stuffeth again (get thy stuffeth)
yea, alloweth's taketh backeth the w'rld
yea baby tonight, grabeth thy sw'rd armeth'r and wend (it's on)
taketh thy revenge (whoo)
oh so square, square, liketh t's the lasteth, last night of all of thy life, life showeth those folk thy biteth (whoo)

causeth baby tonight, the creepeth'r's tryin' to stealeth our stuffeth again
causeth baby tonight, grabeth thy picketh shovel and bolteth again, bolteth again, gain
and runneth, runneth until t's done, done, until the travelling lamp cometh up in the m'rn'
causeth baby tonight, cometh on, the creepeth'r's, cometh on, tryin' to stealeth all our stuffeth again

Revenge but written in a medieval wayWhere stories live. Discover now