Chapter 18

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Nicole's POV

Emilia's been acting strange for the past couple of days. She's been aloof and guarded. There were a lot of times that I saw her watching her back as if someone's following her. I wanted to ask her the problem but I knew that she'll just deny the issue. I wish that she'll trust me more.

Today was the semi-finals game for both the women's basketball team and the men's soccer team. Our school's hosting today's event which means Emilia's focus was divided. I wonder if she'll watch our game instead of soccer where her friend's playing, if they were still friends. But still as the president, she needed to oversea both games.

"Yeoh Nick! Jane!" I turned around and saw James, Tony, Brad and Tin coming our way as Jane and I headed towards the locker room to change.

"Hey guys! What's up?" I inquired as we continued to walk.

"We're here to support you!" Brad answered.

"Woah! That's a first... don't you have a date?"

"Nopes!" He replied. "I reserved this day for you guys. I'm here to cheer on you both. It's the first time our school made it to the semi-finals."

"Yep! No games for us too. We're here to support." Tony added.

"Thanks guys!" It was such sweet of them to show their support. Usually, it was only Tin who watched our games since Jane and her always rode to school together.

"Yeh! Yeh! Now go kick some butts and we'll go to the gym before it went full." James commented.

"Why would it be full?"

"Ever since you joined the team, your fan club's always there. Also, there will be scouts presents and some parents coming so the gym should really be packed." Jane explained. I never noticed about my fan club since my only focus was Emilia. I better show them my appreciation later.

"Okay guys! Be sure to cheer loudly!" I bumped fist with the guys and we both walked towards our destination.

"So... Have you asked her yet?" Jane suddenly asked.

"Nopes!" I deadpanned.

"Why not?"

"It's complicated."

"Then uncomplicate it!"

"If only I can." I shrugged as I bowed down. For the past days, I have been trying to get courage to ask her for the ball and yet I'm too coward to approach. I have been approached by so many ladies already and declined them all. How I wish I have their guts.

"You better ask her Nick before somebody beat you to it. You know Mr. Toothpaste model." Jane was referring to John. "Had a thing for her for a long time now. This was also his last chance to date her."

"Yeah you're right." The conversation ended there and I'm thankful of Jane's support and encouragement. After the game I'll make sure to ask her. There's a fire burning in me as I made my decision.

Enilia's POV

Why does the men's soccer and women's basketball semi-finals have been scheduled in the same day? And why were our school both hosting them.

I took a deep breath and sighed.

Since John's playing, he won't be able to help me with the preparations. I have divided the tasked to the other council members but they were too distracted to watch either John or Nick.

I went to the soccer field first to check if everything's okay since they will be starting earlier. The players were already warming up at the field. "Is everything okay coach?" I inquired about the ball, water, towel and other stuffs.

"Yeah... everything's fine." I nodded and went to the other team to make sure they have enough refreshment. I turned around when I saw Megan putting some water and energy drinks in the water cooler. She was one of my most dependable council members and will be good successor when I graduated.

I turned my attention to the players and saw John. He had this very determined looked on his face as if he was being possessed. I then realized that our opponent was the same team that defeated us before, it was out team's only loss.

He must have sensed me because he turned into my direction and I used this chance to wave at him. After the incident, he apologized to me and I accepted. He smiled and waved back.

After making sure that the soccer game's all set up, I then proceed to make my way to the gymnasium.

The walk from the soccer field and gymnasium was quite long. They were on different end of the school. And there's a small wooded area in between them.

I can't help but notice that someone's been following me. For the past couple of days, my guard's been up. I knew Nick noticed my strange behavior but she respected my boundaries.

But today was different. I knew I wasn't being paranoid. I could feel his stare on my back. My heart beats faster than normal and I felt my body being covered by cold sweats.

I knew he was there.

So I ran.

I ran as fast as I could until I reached the gymnasium.

I turned around and I'm not sure if my mind's playing tricks on me but I saw a shadow.

It must be him.

He's here and I know it.

I decided to stay at the gymnasium for a while to support Nick. I'll probably go back to the soccer field at half time since the basketball time was shorter than soccer.

It was the first time that the gymnasium became full. People from both schools were all here to support. There's some parents too. Also, I heard that some scouts came to watch our players.

After a few more minutes, players came out from their lockers, warmed up and the game kicked in.

Our opponent was last year's second place. Jane managed to tap the ball to Nick whom scored a quick three points.

"Kyah!!!!!!" Her fan club squealed.

"Yeah!!!!!!" The crowed yelled. I also noticed her complete gang cheering in the crowd.

Our team continued to show aggression. The players also improved a lot. Most of the plays that Jane made were completed. Turnovers can't be avoid but it was still better than the past few games. The team managed to catch up on Jane and Nick's level.

Jane and Nick's combination was amazing. They both ruled and conquered the court. When Nick's being heavily guarded, Jane always found the free man to pass the ball.

However, our opponent wanted to prove that they weren't second best for no reason. Our highest lead was only six and there's only minutes left for the first quarter.

The game was really intense. Both players were fighting like there was no tomorrow. The second quarter ended in an instant. I even managed to loose track of time because of the game. Fortunately, out team was up by nine points.

Since there's ample amount of time allocated for the half time. I decided to go back to the soccer field in order to show my support to John. He was my friend after all.

As I walked pass the wooded area, the eerie feeling came back. Again, I felt like someone's watching me.

I needed to know.

I needed to make sure.

So I turned around and that was the dumbest decision I have ever made.

The next thing I knew, I was on my back lying on the ground with a man over me.

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