Chapter 20

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Nicole's POV

The police came and arrested the man that tried to rape or raped Emilia while she was brought to the hospital. She fell asleep on my arms while we await for them.

We basically forced Jane to return to the game while Tin informed the guards and the principal. Even with the guys combined strength, the man was giving them a hard time. Good thing one of our security guard's bulky. He managed to overpower the man.

Emilia was given a rape kit and I was glad it turned out negative. It was such a relief that I managed to stop him on time. She was now resting on the hospital bed.

Due to this unfortunate incident, I was forced to call Natalie to help baby sit Maddy. Good thing those two managed to get along. Maddy was just shocked to find no familiar people when she woke up that was why she freaked out on Natalie but everything was fixed the next morning.

"Hey there." I said in a soft voice when Emilia opened her eyes.

"Where am I? What happened?" She asked.

"You were attacked."

Emilia's POV

"You were attacked." At her words, I suddenly remembered the events that occurred. Images of that man began assaulting my memories.

He was the one thing that I have struggled to forget and just when I'm beginning to be okay, he re-appeared.

"How are you?" Nick asked. "The doctor's said that the rape kit was negative... " Nick managed to save me on time at the moment but it doesn't mean that the rape didn't happen because it happened. It was very long time ago but it still happened. "I'm sorry that I forced the doctor to reveal the test results."

"It's okay." I assured her. "How's Madeleine?"

"She's with Natalie."

"Can we go home?"

"I'll have to ask the doctor."

When Nick left, I was left to debate if it was the right time to tell her. The incident with him should already spread to the whole campus and whether I like it or not, my connection with him will be revealed.

I felt like I have been bit by a truck then fed to the sharks. Why do bad things always happen to me. Why have I done to deserve all these punishment. If it weren't for Madeleine, I may have already committed suicide.

After a few moments, she came back with a doctor. "Hi, I'm Dr. Jerkins, let me do some check then we'll see if I cane release you." The doctor looked so young as if she just graduated med school. She poked me everywhere, placed a light on my eyes and all other stuff. "Okay, I'm clearing you but if you feel anything you need to comeback." She said to me. "You on the other hand can also go since you managed to walk from your own room to here. Just continue to ice that nose so it won't turn badly and careful on your ribs. You broke three of them."

Looking at Nick, I can't help but feel guilty. She got hurt because of me. It must be hard to breath by having your ribs broken. I knew since I had a first hand experience on it. Her face was badly bruised, her nose was broken and her lips was cut. "Hey... It's not your fault. I did it without knowing it was you... So don't feel guilty."

Nicole's POV

We took a cab home since I caught a ride in the ambulance with her. My friends wanted to come but I told them that I'll just meet them at the penthouse later and to bring our stuff.

Jane texted me the result of the game. We won by freaking one point. It was a buzzer beater show stopper that was made by a freshman. We will be playing on the finals which was next thursday, a day before the thanksgiving ball.

Damn... I haven't asked Emilia about that. I mentally sighed and slapped myself.

The receptionist helped us to the elevator after explaining the events to them. She also told me that my friends were in the penthouse.

Since I didn't have the key, there was no other choice but to knock and I was very much surprised to see the woman on the other side of the door.

"Oh... You're back... I thought it was the pizza guy." She said as she gave way for us to enter.

"Detective Torres... What are you doing here? And... Pizza?" I asked confused.

"Is that the pizza?" Natalie yelled from my bedroom.

"No... It's your sister and her girlfriend." She told her. I was about to correct her but then I remembered that she was the detective assigned in Em's mother's case. "I told you it was too soon."

"What are you doing here Detective Torres?" I asked again. None of these were making any sense. "Did somebody die?"

"Oh... No one died and please call me Michelle since it was my day off." She explained. "I'm with your sister when you called her so she dragged me along."

"Oh! So you're the mystery girl! That she was head over heels with!" I teased. I knew my sister was dating someone but kept her secret.

"I don't know what you are talking about." She denied.

Then there was another knock on the door. She thought it was the pizza guy so she offered to get it. Then I noticed that Emilia probably retreated back to their room. Maddy was also missing so she's probably sleeping since it was quite late.

"Oh! Paul! What are you doing here?" She asked. So it still wasn't the pizza guy.

"Michelle! I'm the one who should ask you that? I thought it's your day off? What are you doing here?"

I laughed at the partners exchange of words and expressions. It was priceless.

"Detective Simmons... It was nice to see you again! Somebody died again?" I joked. "Come in... Come in..."

"Nobody died but someone's dead." He deadpanned. "I'm here on official business... Why are you here Mitch?"

"Natalie had an emergency. I didn't know she was Nick's sister until she brought me here."

"How come you didn't know?

"I don't do background checks to the people I date..." She was surprised on her admission but it was too late to retract.

"Aha! So you admitted it! You're dating my sister!" I celebrated in response.

"What's happening?" Natalie came out from the room. Her hair was still wet from the showers and thank goodness she was wearing a pj. "Where's he pizza? And who's he?"

"Michelle slipped that you were dating!" I exclaimed. "And this man's his partner. He's here on official police business." I pointed at Detective Simmons. "And the pizza guy's late as usual."

"I'm sorry..." Michelle said.

"It's okay hon..." Natalie replied.

"Ehem..." Detective Simmons cough. "Since everything have been settled, let's talk about the case."

"What is it about?"

"It's about the man that was arrested in your school."

"What about him?" I asked.

Instead of answering me, he turned to Michelle. "Remember the multiple homicide case that we got last month?" She nodded. "It was him. He's our guy."

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