Chapter 34

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Natalie's POV

It has been three days and there's still no signs of Nick.

Three days of longing.

I missed my little sister so much.

Since our parents were always away, we became very close despite the age gap. I was five years older than her.

She was held back a grade due to rebellion and even that didn't trigger our parent's attention. Why the hell did they even bother to create a family when they have no time for it.

I still haven't talked to them since the incident at the station. Getting my stuff in my own condo unit was also a pain. The management had forbade me to even get my stuff. Good thing Michelle was with me and even if she doesn't want it, she used her badge to muscle our way. I took everything that was important and left the rest.

Then, I checked the bank and I wasn't surprised to learn that all my accounts have been frozen except the one that I opened on my own. At least I got a little savings. My parents can't touch it since it wasn't tied to their accounts. Same goes for my credit cards. All useless. They were really punishing me and if they though that I would yield then they were mistaken.

It was late and Michelle should be arriving soon. I'm playing housewife for the meantime since I also loss my job. I could sue them but it was just a waste of time and resources. I tried to apply online but none of them had gotten back yet. I just wish not all of them would be afraid of my parents.

"I'm home!" Michelle yelled as she entered.

"In the kitchen!" I responded while stirring the soup.

She positioned herself behind me and snaked her arms on my waist, Taking a deep breathe as she savor the smell." Smells good!"

"It's the garlic and basil." I explained.

"No silly... I meant you." She complemented and I felt my cheeks burning. We have been together for a long time but she still can get me to blush at the most simple way.

She started to kiss my neck and her lips started to travel up towards the back if my ear, a spot which was the most sensitive for me. I moaned as she gently suck my skin.

We both got lost in the sensation as she travelled her lips to mine. Our tongue wrestled for dominance. She spun me completely and I automatically snaked my arms in her neck while hers was on my waist.

It was perfect until my nose was attacked by burnt smell of a meat. "Oh shit!" I pushed Michelle while I took the pan away from the fire. I have forgotten that I'm also frying some meat as I cook the soup.

"Oh my! I'm sorry!" I said the moment I saw my fiancee on the floor. I didn't realized that I pushed her that hard.

"It's okay! I'm good but my butt will need some massaging later." She joked as she pulled herself up.

Good thing that the meat wasn't burnt much so I could still salvage some for dinner. And then there was a sudden change in her expression and I knew that it's a news about Nick. "Have you found anything."

"Let's eat first."

Michelle's POV

It has been already three days an we can't find any leads. Dr. White have been very helpful in our case since this was a little bit personal for me. She's not only our medical examiner but also a close friend. She and her team have been working round the clock in completing the autopsy and possibly to identify the dead bodies.

There were nothing viable that has been found in the car. The crime lab has completed their examinations and they were able to find nothing that can prove that Nick was not in the car. They however found three cans of gasoline in the trunk and they have concluded that due to the significant amount of accelerant, it was the reason why the bodies were burnt so badly.

"Have you found anything yet?" The captain suddenly popped up. Paul and I just shook our heads. "find me anything to conclude if that woman was the Porter child or not. Their lawyer have been calling my office non-stop."

"Is there really nothing we can do?" I asked my partner. He had more experience in the job and most of the time, it was past experiences that led us to solve the case.

"Not at the moment."

"Maybe I could help." We both turned around and saw Dr. White standing near the door with a blue folder on hand. "I have identified one person."

"That's great news. How and who was he?" I exclaimed, maybe just by identifying one victim could lead us to another.

"One of the victim was Antonio Garcia, I was able to identify him due the plate implanted on his knee. It had serial in it and I was able to trace the owner." She explained.

"I know that guy." Paul said. He key in some data in the computer and pulled the guy'd rap sheet. "There, Antonio Garcia, he was a local gang banger with a long rap sheet and look at that..."

"Arson..." I stated. "He and his screw was wanted for several robberies and arson. That could explain the gasoline in the trunk."

"Yes. I'm pulling his known associates." Paul made a search on the database and two figures popped up. "Only two."

"Yeah... only two male associates... Edward Tree and Ronnie Dugan... it stated here that they all grew up in the same neighborhood." Only two males... it means that the fourth person could be Nick. "Are there any female associates? Girl friends? Wife?"

"It's not in our system but I'll send a patrol to canvas the area." Paul said as he took a seat. I followed, having lost my nerve thinking how to explain our findings to Natalie. For all we know, the fourth body could be her sister.


"I know Mitch... just hold on."

"The bones should be cleaned by know, we'll try facial recognition and let's see if we can get a match." Dr. White said as she walked out.

"What do I tell Nat?"

"Nothing. You tell her nothing."

Like that's easy to do. Natalie could be persistent sometimes. i just hope she could take the news well. It's been hard for her these couple of days. Not that her only sister's missing, she found out that her parents had completely cut her off. I could support us with my current salary but she's not the type of woman who would just stay home and cook dinner. She's a career woman and she's great at her job. I sighed as I took my blazer and head home.

I came home in a very clean and spotless apartment. Due to my nature of work, my place's always a mess. It was worst that a pig's den. Shirts scattered everywhere. Empty and moldy pizza boxes lying around in the corner, beer bottles and cans littered everywhere. All changed when Natalie came into my life.

Since she's been out of job and was cut off, we decided to move in together. She would cook me breakfast in the morning, clean my place, clean some more, try to find a job, clean again and then cook dinner. She said that she needed something to do else she'll just sulk in the corner and think about her sister.

She was cooking when I got home. The sight is so tremendous that I can't help myself but initiate a seductive kisses. We kissed passionately and then the next thing I knew, I was on the floor with a sore ass. Good thing we didn't burned my apartment.

Just looking at her, I suddenly remembered the progress of our investigation. I still don't know how to explain it. She knew me so well that she was able to read the sudden change in my expression. "Have you found something."

I wanted to tell her but I wanted to buy more time. "Let's eat first."

Natalie's POV

I knew something was wrong since we started dinner. Michelle had been completely quiet and acting weird but I respected her wishes to wait. She must be trying to think how to tell me. It shouldn't be that bad since if it was, I knew that she'll get to the point.

We were cleaning the plates when the door bell rang. She looked at me and I just shrugged, we were not expecting anyone. "Maybe it's Paul?" I suggested.

"Let me get it." She dried her hands and went to answer the door.

"Who is it?" I shouted when I heard the door opened.

"You'll never guess." I dropped what I was doing and ran towards the door with a smile on my face thinking that it was Nick.

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