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Max's POV.

•§• Past •§•

I sat on the school bus and waited.
Waiting, waiting.

Once I get to school, I'll find my first victim.

The bus stopped, and a small boy walked on.

He had freckles, all over his face.

He had a pale complexion, with red hair covering half his eyes.

The one eye I could see, was sapphire blue, like a strike of lightning.

He sat in the seat behind me and I smirked.

The bus began, and I stood to stand by the boy.

He looked deep in thought, eh who cares.

"HEY!" I yelled to him.

He looked at me and said "what?" In the most adorable voice ever.

"You bring lunch or buy?" I asked, making it sound fierce.

"Um...... I bring-ed my lunch?" He said.
Oh my gosh that's adorable!!

I grabbed his shirt, and hit his face.

I heard his nose crack as I saw blood stream down it.

"Next time I see you, I want money!!" I yell, then walk to my seat.

I could hear his sobbing as I sat.

When the bus stopped, I walked behind him as he walked out into the school zone.

I pushed him down the bus stairs and he fell to the ground.

I kicked his face while he was still down, and could hear him scream.

Blood spilled all over the ground, I grabbed his hair and pulled him to a fountain.

His screaming alerted the teachers, I saw them run out but they stooped.

Over the last three or four years, they had learned to fear me.

They had seen so many injuries on so many kids.

I shoved the red head into the fountain, and held him under.

Bubbles came up, and I pulled him out, walking away.

•§•  Present  •§•

The last thing I remember is Jay pull in me down into the water, and as we fell he told me something.

"Thank You."

We hit the water and I blacked out.

I awoke in a cage.

"Hello?" I choked out.

"Why? Why did you choose JAY?" A growl came from outside of the cage.

Five figures came into view.

"What do you mean?" I asked.

"Out of all the people in the entire world, you chose to hurt Jay. Why?" Another harsh voice came out, it sounded like someone was crying and being evil.

I knew who was talking to me then, COLE. That stupid little boy who would cower away from me whenever I beat up Jay in school.

"Cole? How are you? Are you still afraid of me? Or have you finally begun to be a man for a change?" I smirk.

I could see the red Ninja hiding a laugh.

"Jay is easy, and weak. I can  torture him, I can hurt him easily. He's afraid of me and what I did." I laugh.

"What all did you do?" The green boy asked.

I look to Cole.

"Tell them, tell them how I made Jay's life a living hell." I say, smiling.
He glares at me, then turns to the other ninja.


"Hurt Bluebell" Ninjago Fan FictionWhere stories live. Discover now