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Jay awoke excited. He wanted to go to school so bad, he ran to get ready.
He was ready before his parents were even awake!

He decided, I have extra time, I'll go ahead and work on my next invention! The adorable seven year old ran out of his trailer house and into the junkyard where he was born and raised,the piles of scrap and junk surrounded Jay's home.

He loved that he could just build, his parents were amazing inventors and he wanted to be like them. He was outside and then stood in front of a machine hidden under a tarp.

He pulled away the tarp to show a masterpiece, he had created his own motorcycle from scratch.

After about half an hour he could hear one of his parents open the front door.
"Jay?" Called out his mother.
Jay put down his wrench and got out from under his bike.
"By the bike, mom!" He yelled out to her, she turned to see Jay.

He looked exactly like his father, he had the mechanic suit on and grease on his cheeks. His red hair flapped in his face, it looked like it wasn't brushed. His freckles dotted his face, making him seem darker than his pale white skin.

Edna, Jay's mother called him inside for his medicine. She waited as he finished the last tightening of a screw, then he hid the bike and ran inside. Edna pulled out a spoon and cough drop liquid, she slowly poured the liquid into the spoon. She gave Jay his cough medicine,and he swallowed without a fuss.

"Now, the bus is where?" She asked, jogging his memory.
"Out a mile to the right, by the rock of light." He said the rhyming verse, pleasing himself that he remembered.
"Good, now hurry! The bus will be there in an hour." She rushed him off, he needed to leave early to catch the bus.

After about 50 minutes, he arrived at the rock, sitting to wait for his transport. While waiting, he started singing a little song;
"Ooh! Ooh! Waiting now! Gotta gotta wait for the bu-US now!" Singing to the beat of 'ooh ohh wanna wanna bing bang' theme.

The bus pulled up and he hopped on, sitting in a window seat. He stared out the window, watching the desert grass blow and sunny sky burning down. He was so lost in thought, he didn't notice a boy that looked like he was two or three years older than him walk by his seat and yell.

"HEY!" The boy snapped at him again.
Jay snapped out of his mind.

"What?" He turned to see the gigantic boy towering above him.

"You bring lunch or buy?" He stared at Jay with his brown dusty eyes.

"Um.......i bring-ed my lunch?" Jay answered, then immediately wishing he hadn't.

The bully grabbed Jay's shirt and punched him square in the nose, breaking it. Blood splattered all over the bus chair as Jay began to cry.

"Next time I see you, I want money!" He then kicked Jay, making a point that he was boss. Jay cowered in the far corner of the buses cushion seat.
Once they arrived at the school, Jay tried to step off the bus. But the bully he had encountered pushed him down, making him fall face first on the concrete. Jay rolled to see his bully's black and red shoes, he closed his eyes as the boy once again kicked him. This time, the bully had kicked his teeth.

He had shattered one tooth, making Jay sob and whimper as pieces of his tooth fell out of his mouth, Jay stared at the blood dripped from his nose and his mouth.

He looked at it in horror, What did I do? He thought. Then as the bully picked him up by his hair and dragged him, Jay had started screaming. Yelling for his life, the teachers from inside ran out to see what was happening.

They gasped, but backed off once they saw the boy who had been harming Jay. They were afraid of the boy, and only watched as he submerged Jay into the fountain and kept him under it. Jay tried to hold his breath, but it hurt. He took a deep breath, and once he was only a second away from drowning the bully pulled him up and threw him to the ground, walking away.

As Jay gasped for air he looked at the teachers, they didn't help, why?
After the school day, he met a boy who had black hair, black shoes, gray pants and a white shirt.

His name was Cole.
"Cole, wanna play on the swing?" Jay asked, happy to have a friend to play with.

"Sure, I like the swing." Cole then raced Jay to the swings, grabbing one a then swooping high on the seat.
Jay and Cole had a blast, but when the bell rang..........

"Uh oh......Jay! I-I gotta go!" Cole stuttered out and ran to a bus that wasn't Jay's. Jay didn't know why he had to leave, but he slowly and sadly walked to his bus as well. Forgetting about who else rode that bus.........

When Jay got home, his parents flipped out. They treated and cared for all of Jay's bruises and cuts from his beatings. He would not tell them who caused it, and for years it continued like that.







The cycle repeated, over and over every year.

In high school Jay and Cole joined a squad, they were trained and taught by Sensei Wu.

Once they graduated the high school, they found that they had powers.

Cole was Earth.
Jay had lightning.

The other Ninja in the team, bad powers as well.
Nya had Water,
Kai had Fire,
Zane had Ice,
and Lloyd was the green Ninja.

Years past, they all grew up together.
But one day...........

This is my first story, I don't really know if this is long or short.

I do hope that you enjoy this story and there will be more coming out. This isn't the entire thing!

Have a good day!

My times are a little weird, so I'll be posting whenever, I will not be posting at certain times.


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