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I could feel the excitement in my veins as Lux drove us to Kurt's wok. He worked in bar, but I didn't know what he did. It didn't matter to me anyway. I couldn't wait to meet him. I got to talk to him here and there when I was in video calls with Lux.

But to get to meet two of my most favorite people in the entire world was the center of my reality right now.

We drove into a shady part of the town and when we got out of the car, she came around the back of it to place her hand on the small of my back, guiding me along with her. She kept me close to her, but as we approached the door, we noticed there was a throng of people around the door.

I could feel my anxiety beginning to peak, and I felt her hand clench a little on the small of my back. Instead of going further and to the door to go inside, we turned tail and yeeted ourselves down a nearby alleyway.

After giggling about the situation for a while, I brought out my cigarettes with a shaky hand, bringing one out and lighting it up. I took in a deep inhale and let it blow out as Lux began to pace.

Eight steps when way. Pivot. Eight steps the other.

It was always eight steps.

I smiled at her as I smoked, letting it curl around my fingers as I let it dangle from my fingertips. She then got the bright idea to head over to the plastic dumper and placed her hand on the side. With a big grin, she turned to me.

"I'm gonna yeet myself into the trash because that's where I belong," she said with finality.

I chuckled, smirking at her as she placed her hand on the top of the open part of the dumpster. She began to pull herself up as the wooden gate beside the dumpster opened wide, smacking the plastic beside it. The figure that came out was wearing a familiar hat and had a trash bag in his hand.

Lux's reaction was to let out a little screech, jumping down from her perch and running about three feet from the person.

"Oh, hi!" he said. "What are you trying to do here?"

I had ended up with my ass firmly planted on the ground, in what would probably be the dirtiest ground I will ever sit upon. As I lit up another cigarette to help me through the mini anxiety he just put me through, I hauled myself up off the ground and went over to him, a grin on my face.

"You prick! You scared us!" she cried out, laughing as he put the trash in the dumpster. 

I hit his shoulder, crossing my arms and staring at him. He gave me his signature grin, opening his arms as he tilted his head. Careful not to light his hair on fire, I threw my arms around him and held him tight.

Such a beautiful soul had been through so much. He was such a great human. I wished he could see it himself.

He hugged me back, whispering in my ear. "Hey, Lyrica. Great to finally meet you."

"You, too, Kurt," I muttered.

Lux had made her way over to us by now, throwing her arms around him in a hug. I smiled as I watched the two interact, my heart feeling the lightest it had felt in months. A guy in a black shirt came out from the gate next, and Kurt turned to him an introduced us.

I immediately went for Lux's hand, squeezing it lightly, as I twisted my toes in the dirt. I was kind of nervous. I never handled meeting new people very well. After meeting his boss, and said boss laughing about them having their own trash pandas, I could feel the panic fading a little bit.

We smoked and let him finish his own cigarette while he talked to us. With that, it was settled. There was going to be a slumber party at Lux's, and it was a party of three.

Lux and I ended up going inside after a few moments. We were talking to people, even sending a picture to show just how fantastic their Alpha and Delta were doing with each other. I kept close to her, and she made sure I never strayed too far. If I was ahead of her, she would place her hand in my back pocket to keep a hold of me.

After dealing with unnecessary drama, we were in the car, talking to our group members and jamming out to, you guessed it, My Chemical Romance. Why? Because that's who we are.

She paused the music, turning to grin at me. "Watch. I play his music, and we summon him as he hears me sing."

I chuckled, my grin wide as his own song, Self Medication, came on in the speakers. Hell, I played along, too. We had been waiting for him to get done closing for an hour and a half at this point, and I was getting restless. I was ready for my pajamas. 

When Kurt appeared, he leaned down and opened the door. When we finally managed to get him squeezed into the front seat with his trusty guitar, we made our way out and headed down the highway, heading back to Lux's house. I could faintly hear Kurt singing to the radio, and caught the looks Lux was sending his way.

They were perfect for each other. Just something about their dynamic was perfect, and it fit. Sure, it was rocky. But there were better qualities that made everything better. I remember how happy she looked when she told me about that first kiss. Her eyes were so bright and she looked like she was over the moon.

I was happy I got to see this bloom. I could only hope it would blossom into something much more. And I would be there to support it in every way.


A/N: So my baby finished RDR2, and was sad. So, even though I just posted a chapter earlier, I'll post this now, because I know this will make her happy.

I love you, always and ever. <3

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⏰ Last updated: Aug 25, 2019 ⏰

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