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I wake up, shifting uncomfortable as I realize that Jake and I had fallen asleep practically on top of most of the clothes, hangers and bags he was supposed to have packed. Not to mention his flight is in, I glance at the clock, it's nearly 2am which means Jake is taking off in 5 hours. I climb out of the bed rummaging through the clothes thrown everywhere for my own. I slip back into them, glancing back at Jake and smiling as he drools into the pillow, covered barely by a sheet over his waist and a random dress-shirt he's pulled from the pile on the bed and wrapped himself in for warmth.

Once I'm clothed again I pad into the kitchen and make myself a cup of coffee. I've collected most of my things from Jake's apartment and brought them back home even though I'll be stopping by to check on the place every once and awhile while Jake's gone. I'm going to miss him more than I'd like to admit. Standing in the kitchen I look across the apartment, flashes and memories appearing in front of my eyes. Jake and I on the couch watching some stupid rom-com, sitting on the floor in front of the huge windows one night and camping out there on a blanket so we could watch a thunderstorm pass. Christmas night, dancing around the kitchen to Christmas songs, the night after the New Years Eve party when we stumbled in drunk and made breakfast at 3am because we were both starving. I can't help worry that almost four months without making more of those memories could mess up what we've got.

The coffee machine beeps softly, finished brewing a fresh cup. It tears me away from the mental crisis I'm having. I grab the mug and add a bit of milk and sugar, sipping it and then slipping back into Jake's room, turning away from the memories just to be met with more when I look at the dark bedroom. I don't let myself focus on the new memories that I can practically see in Jake's room, instead I put my coffee cup on the dresser and do my best to finish Jake's packing without waking him up.


When I finally wake Jake up I've gotten most of his things together, save the dress-shirt he's wrapped up in and the few sets of clothes that he'd fallen asleep on. He rubs his eyes groggily, blinking at the soft light coming in through the windows and wrinkling his nose a little bit. I smile, I've always thought that when he does that it's adorable, especially with the whole Mysterio beard he's got going.

"Morning, your flight leaves in 3." I say, "I know you wanted to get there two hours early." I say. He nods, yawning. I throw a pair of boxers at him.

"might wanna put some clothes on before we go." I say, smiling.

"I thought I looked better wearing nothing?" He quips, I laugh, remembering that fairly cheesy line from last night.

"Well I just don't think everyone at the airport would enjoy it as much as I do." I say, Jake looks offended, tossing his legs over the side of the bed and pulling on the boxers. I laugh, "or maybe they would, either way I'd rather have that picture in my head than all over the tabloids." I wink at him and he laughs, standing up and looking around for the clothes he'd left out for the airport. Meanwhile I grab the clothes left on the bed and toss them into his suitcase, zipping it up.

"That's everything." I say, Jake struggles into a pair of joggers, still obviously exhausted, I laugh,

"Coffee?" I ask,

"Yes please." He says, sticking his head through the opening of his t-shirt and smiling at me. I roll my eyes, still smiling, and go into the kitchen to make Jake a cup.

A few minutes later Jake walks into the kitchen with his rolling suitcase, the suit-bag and a backpack over his shoulders. He kisses me on the cheek as I stir milk into his coffee. I think he can tell that the closer we get to take-off the more nervous I get. He wraps his arms around my waist,

"Hey, it'll be ok. We'll call and we'll text and we'll face time and..." I turn around in his arms, draping my own over his neck.

"I know." I say, showing him an admittedly forced smile, he frowns at me,

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