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Cameron's POV
It's been 3 months since I left for California. It's so different being here by myself. I go to set everyday and it takes the whole Be we have off days too.

People found out about me being in this big blockbuster movie and now there are small paparazzi crowds following me sometimes. It's weird.

Lauren is now dating Simon like I suspect she would while me on the other hand still hasn't flipping moved on. Like why why is she the only girl I can't move on from.

I've hooked up with a couple of different girls and have gone on dates but it's only been like a one time thing. I just hate that I can't get her out of my mind.

Even though I still have the acting job I decided that on my spare time when I have my off days I would work as a local coffee shop barista. It's quite fun actually being able to make coffee and have socialize.

I would say my life here in Cali isn't all that bad I guess I just miss home.

Christina's POV
"Ok girls band meeting now!" I yell for my sisters who are all in the living room. In all honesty things have been different without Cam here. Lauren has become like quieter now and she will only ever really talk to like Dani or Simon.

Simon and Lauren started dating about a month ago and they posted it on Instagram making it official. It's weird that Lauren and Cam never told people even when they were engaged.

I guess it was hard for Lauren. We honestly all hate Simon except for Lauren. We all think Cam is a much better fit but our dad seems to really like the idea of Simon and Lauren. Let's just say he wasn't 100% okay with their engagement.

"Alright guys so we have a show in Los Angeles California next week so get ready for that. We will also be rehearsing everyday of this week so also be prepared for that. Okay?" They all nodded as they sat down at the table.

"Let's go over the set list." We worked for about three hours then took a snack break and now we are just doing our own things.

I know Cam lives in LA and I'm really hoping we bump into here on "accident". Rebecca told us she was working at this coffee shop. We all really want Lauren and Cameron back together.

Lauren's POV
Oh no California. That's where Cam is. I can't see her it will be to awkward. We were talking for a while after she left but once me and Simon posted about us being together she kind of stopped. Like she would reply back if I did text her but it would be a quick 1 minute text convo.

I just really miss her and I'm covering it up with Simon. I guess when I'm with him I just forget that everything broke between me and Cam but I never seem to forget her.

The day they arrive in California

We are on our way to the hotel right now and honestly I'm excited for the show. Getting to sing for fans and doing meet and greets it will be fun.

We get to the hotel and me and Lisa are sharing a room this time. I put my bags down and just lay on the bed. That's when I get a text from Simon.

Simon🙄❤️: hey babe I just wanted to make sure you landed in Cali Alright.

Lauren: Yea I'm here at the hotel.

Simon🙄❤️: oh great how's Cali so far?

Lauren: Idk I just got here.

Simon🙄❤️: right sorry😳

Lauren: sorry I'm just tired.

Simon🙄❤️: it's alright babe how bout I let you rest and I'll talk to you later.

Lauren: ok thx

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