Concert time

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Cameron's POV
Today Lauren and her sisters have a performance in London then we are off to Birmingham. They are touring three different places in Britain then we go to France.

I am so excited for France because when we go to Paris I am going to do some big romantic gesture for her. I'm so excited.

I actually woke up this morning without Lauren in bed so I went to the little desk we get in our room and found a note.

Hey cam so Simon asked me if he wanted to show me around so I'm out right now with him.

P.S don't get jealous trust me he's just a friend.

Love Lauren

Wait Lauren's our with this Simon guy? I don't know how I feel about this. I get dressed into black ripped jeans a black shirt and a hoodie.

I go downstairs to see all of Lauren's sisters down there eating breakfast. I walk over and sit down.

"Hey guys do you know where Lauren went this morning?" They all looked at me a little confused then Dani spoke up.

"Oh hey Cam. Yea she told me she is going to hang with her Ex Simon."

"Yea yea I know that but do you know where?" She shakes her head no. I just sigh and go to the buffet to grab breakfast. I didn't even realize that it is only 9:30 here.

I walk back to the table and sit down.

"Yo you jealous Cam?" I look up at Lisa smirking like my sister. I just stick my tongue out.

"No...maybe....yes....fine" they all just laugh.

"Don't worry Cam trust me the limon ship has sunk so Clauren I'm still up and sailing." I just not and go back to eating. We make light conversation til everyone's done and we go to where they are performing.

I end up texting Lauren to make sure she's okay. She's been out for a while.

Cameron: Hey laur are you coming to the venue soon for rehearsals?

It took her at least 5 minutes before she responded.

Lauren🧡🧡: oh yea sorry me and Simon lost track of time I'll be there in like 10 minutes.

I put my phone away and just sighed. I do not like this Simon guy he seems nice and all but I'm pretty sure he was flirting with Lauren back at the cafe.

After like 15 minutes Lauren finally shows up with the Simon guy. I see all of her sisters stop working on getting mics and the stage ready and just look over at her.

And why is he here.

"Hey guys I'm so sorry I'm late."

"No it's my fault" this brown haired boy says.

"Anyways guys remember Simon?" They all stand up and start to walk over to this guy.

"OMG SIMON!" I hear Dani yell she runs over and hugs him. That hurt she always says that when she sees me. I just sat there and watched them.

"Oh hi Simon what are you doing here?" Lisa asks coldly.

"Laur invited me." Ooo I'm British I have an accent I'm so cool. Ok stop Cam. Finally I stand up and walk over to them.


"Oh coffee girl I didn't know you would be here?" I just nodded.

"Yep I am Lauren friend." All the sisters and even I could feel the tension in this room. This Simon dude also did not look so happy once he realized I was here.

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