Wedding Part 2

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Lauren's POV
We arrive at the venue and stay outside. We are having the after party at this big indoor venue place and it's beautiful. We see everyone already walking in and sitting at the tables. That's when we here the DJ mic start to turn on.

"CAN EVERYONE MAKES SOME NOISE FOR THE FIRST TIME EVER WALKING INTO A ROOM LAUREN AND CAMERON CIMORELLI-ARCHER!!" I hear a loud applause and some light music as me and Cam Everett the venue holding hands.

I turn to see Cameron smiling. Honestly I haven't seen her this happy. She's like such a little kid. She seems me staring and I blush and look down. When I look back up she's smiling and just looking at me. I couldn't help but smile back

We take our seats at the head table. That's when the appetizers come around. We see everyone talking and smiling. My parents are to my left and Cameron's Mom, sister, and Karen are sitting on my right.

"Oh my gosh congratulations you two I'm so proud." I look over at Cameron's mom and smile. Cameron's smiles too then sorta looks away. I hold her hand and she looks at me and smiles.

I know she's a little upset that her father isn't here but she just doesn't want to admit it. We then start the toasts from everyone. It's Dani's then first as my maid of honor.

"Eh hem. May I have everyone's attention." Everyone looks at Dani as she has her sparkling cider champagne glass in the air.

"When I first met Cameron it was a little awkward not gonna lie." Everyone laughed a little including me and Cam.

"She was sitting at the table in Lauren's house and she was eating chicken with Amy, Lisa, and Lauren. I thought she was pretty sweet and cool, but that's when I noticed something. Lauren and Cameron could not stop looking at each other and smiling and blushing and at that moment I knew Cameron was not just some stranger sitting and eating chicken with my sisters..." everyone laughed again.

"But she was this special person to my sister..." I could see tears forming in Dani's eyes.

"I-I never realized how important Cameron was going to be Lauren b-But when she left that day Lauren could not stop smiling. Not only did I realize that she was special no I- I also realized that..." she was full on crying now. I never realized Dani had such a soft spot for Cam.

"Sorry- I also realized that Cam was so much better than Jax..." everyone laughed one last time.

"But I realized that she was gonna make my sister happy and she did. She has never failed to do that. To Clauren!"

"TO CLAUREN!" Everyone cheered. We all clapped and then it was Rebecca's turn. I could already feel the tears in my eyes starting to form from Dani's speech.

"As you may know I'm Rebecca Cam's sister. See now I was the first one to realize that Cam was gay. Not gonna lie it was pretty obvious. She was always attracted to my best friends. Being only a few years older then her I could still tell no matter how hard she tried to hide it haha. When I saw Lauren in aisle six..correction when Cam saw Lauren in aisle six..." everyone was laughing.

"I realized that my sister already liked her. So being the best wing woman that I am I pushed her..." more laughs.

"Now granted I pushed her a little to strong and she ended up knocking over Lauren's things and they not ended up on the floor. Not my fault...anyways they talked I got groceries la da da forward to like 2 weeks after they met Cam was non stop talking about Lauren. I mean 'Lauren this' 'Lauren did that' she would not shut up...." everyone laughed and I looked over at Cam and saw we blushing.

I smiled and kissed her hand.

"Anyways when she went on tour I was like the first person she told she was going to propose on the Eiffel Tower. What a romantic haha. I honestly knew they were going to end up marrying each other at one point. I mean CLAUREN! You two are the best and cutest couple and I love you both. And to Lauren..." she raises her glass.

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