44. A Hickey

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I sucked in a deep breath filling my nostrils with a ridiculous amount of strands of hair. I sat up quickly pushing Dakota's hair away from my face with a chuckle. If that was the least graceful thing that would happen between us after last night I'd be okay with it.

Dakota's eyes fluttered open and she gave me a soft grin. Her eyes scanned over my body lazily before flying open. She sat up and grabbed at the blanket quickly covering herself.

I guess this wasn't going to be the last awkward thing to happen today. I searched for my stranded clothes thrown about my room and quickly got dressed. I leant against my dresser and scratched nervously against at the back of my head.

"I don't think this conversation will end well." I nervously chuckled through clenched teeth.

"Dani" She whispered. "Last night was-"

"A mistake" I sighed rolling my eyes. "Can't happen again, I'm still your student, or you're not really ready attach yourself to someone yet. Just pick whichever sounds to most accurate."

She sat on my bed refusing to make eye contact with me, guilt written all over her face. My heart felt like it was beginning to shatter into a million pieces. I sucked in a deep breath, I should've known better then this.

"Right." I mumbled quickly picking up my gym bag and shoving clothes into it. 

"Where are you going?" She quickly wiped at her eyes before looking up at me.

"Look Dakota, I didn't regret anything about last night and I don't think I ever will. But, obviously you do and I just want to give us each the space we need right now." I zipped my bag and tossed it over my shoulder and began my search for my keys.

"Dani, come on wait." She stood from the bed and tried to stand in my way. Her silver eyes searched mine but I couldn't stand to look into them. "I don't regret it at all it's just-"

"I know" I quickly nodded and walked past her. "Tell Henry I'll be staying at Courtney's, I'll be back Monday night." I shot out the door and quickly escaped to my truck.

I thought after last night everything had fell in to place, but if anything we were right back where we started. I let out a heavy sigh before punching my steering wheel.


I walked through Courtney's front door and tossed my gym bag onto her couch, I looked around the quiet house and groaned. I had spent almost two hours in the gym but I still felt like I was ready to burst out of my own skin.

"Courtney!" I hollered out letting my voice echo off the walls, she knew I was coming over maybe she was asleep? I walked down the hall and bursted through her bedroom door without warning.

"Oh JESUS!" I hollered and quickly shut the door. I had never expected to actually walk in on her and TJ. After a few minutes of standing in the hallway embarrassment riddled all over my face TJ opened the door with a fake smile.

"I'm sorry I didn't know you had company." I cleared my throat and walked into making myself at home on her bean bag. "Did you tell Mia I was hung up on someone?"

Courtney raised her brow and was interrupted before she could answer. "Who Miss Avery?" He let out a soft laugh and shrugged his shoulders at Courtney. "What? We went over to her apartment and she was there! You told me she was in love with her roommate so I put it together!"

"Courtney" I groaned. "What did you tell Mia? Does she know it's Dakota or does she think it's just a random girl?" I threw my head back and let out a heavy sigh.

"I told her some random and I know you ditched Mia last night, so why is there a fat hickey on your neck?" I sat up and quickly hid my neck, heat filled my face and my cheeks began to glow. I hadn't noticed she even left a mark on my neck.

"No way! Is that why you're wanting to stay the night? You had sex and left?" She shook her head in disappointment. Does she really think after pining for Dakota a whole year I'd just hit and split?

"It wasn't like that Courtney, it was the most amazing thing in the world. I never thought I'd be able to share myself with someone like that." I scratched at the back of my neck with a shy grin. "But, when she woke up it her face said it all. I wanted to just give us space before actually talking about it with her."

"At least you got to finish." TJ mumbled and we all laughed and Courtney elbowed him in the ribs. "Okay okay, I'm going home now."


I leant against my locker staring at Miss Avery as she stood in front her classroom door. She looked absolutely amazing and that made my stomach hurt worse. Courtney slammed her locker door and glared at me.

"What?" I smiled dumbly.

"Did you hear anything I was saying to you or as you too busy watching Dakota?" She crossed her arms and I knew I hit a nerve. 

"I'm sorry I was just thinking too much." I shook my head and made eye contact with Courtney's brown eyes. 

"Wait." She shoved my shoulder. "Mia is coming."

I looked over and saw her strutting her way towards us.

"I can see that it didn't take you long to go back to your old girlfriend." Mia stood in front usher eyes making eye contact with the mark on my neck. I felt Miss Avery's eyes on us as she overheard Mia's outburst.

"Dani" Miss Avery called saving me from this uncomfortable confrontation. "Would you like to come take your finals now?"

"Yes Miss Avery, thank you." I raised my brows before mumbling "Gotta go."

I slid past Courtney and Mia in attempt to make it to Miss Avery's room without another outburst from either of them. Dakota's eyes drilled holes into the side of my head and I walked in refusing to have a confrontation with her right now too.

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