11. A Fight

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Monday morning arrived and I was as sluggish as ever, I basically spent all of Saturday nursing a hangover then all of Sunday sleeping away the day. So I guess how quickly the weekend ended shouldn't have been such a surprise to me.

I observed my tired reflection in the mirror noticing the green in my eyes were dull today, my black curly hair was just a frizzy disarray. I walked out of the bathroom and searched for the usual bottle of pills I needed to get through this day the less miserable way possible.

I took my time searching for clothes only sitting on the edge of my bed and looking at the pile of clean laundry I had stacked in my laundry basket. I eventually decided to go with a pale green baggy shirt, some ripped black jeans and a hat to hide the mess on my head.

I walked into the kitchen before and noticed Dakota was standing behind the counter sipping on a cup of coffee.

"Morning." I grumbled sitting down in the closest chair.

"You're looking a little rough today." She smiled behind her cup before her worried eyes searched mine. "Are you okay? Do you need to stay home today?"

"Oh yeah I just haven't completely woken up yet." I shrugged with my lie, I knew I was probably so sluggish because the only thing I did this weekend was get drunk and then sleep. I rubbed my temples just imagining how shitty my day was going to be.

Once I had managed to finally get to school it didn't take long for me to wish I was back home. As soon as Courtney had caught sight of me she wrapped me in her arms crying and apologizing for abandoning me Friday night. Apparently when she was on her way to find Adam she had found him with another girl and left before she could forgive him, leaving me behind without a warning.

"I'll kick his ass." I crossed my arms once she finished her story. "He's in our homeroom, I'll go in there and kick his ass right now. I don't mind going home today."

Courtney smiled and playfully pushed me. "Shut up, Dani you don't need Miss Avery getting upset with you at home over that."

"I don't care, I'll kick her ass too." With that we both started giggling as we made our way to homeroom. I caught a glimpse of Adam close by and tried to push Courtney into the room to avoid confrontation. Before we made it all the way into the room I heard Adam force a fake cough.

"Dykes." I turned around quickly and glared at his smug grinning face.

"I'm sorry what was that?" I saw Courtney and Miss Avery make our way towards us after I jabbed my finger into his chest.

"You heard me, I called you both some carpet munching dykes." His smile grew wider now practically begging me to slap it off of him. I felt hands wrap around my arms and turned to see it was actually Miss Avery.

"Come on, Dani you should stay out of trouble." She pulled me back and I almost followed until I heard him say something else under her breath.

"I guess I should've tried for a threesome but I would've been turned down because you already have the teacher as your third." I ripped my arm away from her and charged at Adam he quickly wrapped her hand around my throat but that didn't stop me from throwing my knee into his crotch.

"You bitch." He growled swinging his fist and connecting it with my bottom lip. I heard screams and hollers either yelling at us to stop or cheering us on, we were pulled from each other and pushed down to the office. I guess it was a good thing I had stayed out of trouble until now, Henry couldn't be too upset about me getting suspended.


I laid sprawled out on my couch barely paying attention to what played on the TV. There was a light knock on the door pulling me from my trance.

"Come in!" I hollered out, I already assumed it to be Courtney at the door and if not then I guess they would realize it's the wrong apartment and be on with their way. Courtney peaked her head into the door she smiled and came in closing the door behind her.

"You haven't cleaned up yet?" She eyed me. "What have you been doing for the past three hours?"

"I don't know pretending to watch something I guess." I shrugged nonchalantly. "I tried to take a nap but I figured I was suspended until Friday so I had all the time I needed to sleep."

"You didn't have to actually kick his ass you know." She pushed my legs up sitting down on the couch. "I thought you were just joking."

"Oh but I did, he's not going to say anything like that about you or Dakota and actually not get punched in the face." I crossed my arms and grumbled.

Courtney stood from the couch now and went into the kitchen, she grabbed an ice pack from the freezer and the first aid kit from the cabinet. She sat on the coffee table now, cleaning the dried blood from my nose and lip.

"What exactly to you plan on telling Dakota or Henry now?" She questioned me with a smirk now. Was she finding this amusing right now?

"I don't care it's not like they're actually my parents or anything" I flinched away from her hands as she started to clean my face with peroxide.

"Do you want to go to homecoming with me just as friends? We were supposed to be going together but plans were sort of cancelled unofficially." She shrugged off her annoyance but my eyes widened with the perfect idea.

"So you're going to swear off guys from now until homecoming?" I stood from he couch and eyed her. "I don't think you can go that long without actually getting a boyfriend."

"I think I just want to spend my senior homecoming with some friends, I can always find some guy at the after party if I want some more fun." She smiled now.

"Do you really want to go with a friend or do you just want to hit a nerve with Adam by going with me?" 

"I don't think he will actually care that much, if anything he'll probably say something stupid and piss you off again." She placed the ice back against my nose almost with a shove and walked off putting everything back up. "You don't have to actually come with me I was just suggesting."

"No it's fine I'll come, I'll just ignore him." I held the ice pack against my face.

"Alright great. No backing out now, you're going to go through with this." We both nodded out heads in agreement and then sat in silence. I think she actually got interested in whatever was playing on TV, and I decided to take a nap with the ice pack still on my face.

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