CH 13 And then there was 3

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Lauren POV:
Camila!!!! Dont run off baby
Camila was running so fast to the car that i got scared she get hit by a car.
I gave her a small frown but didnt push it further since i could tell the young girl was just excited to meet one of my friends. We had decided to go to the movies to see a new spongebob movie that camila was dying to see. As we drove to the theatre i told camila the rules of behaving in the movie in fear she might be in little space while we watched it. Camila was very anxious about little space in public but sometimes she couldent help it.
Finally we made it to the theatre
As we grabbed our bags and made our way in line camila jumped making me turn around ready to defend my baby.
Hey!!!! I said kinda angry when i was greeted by a smiling tan girl.
Dinah!!!!! You scared me half to death.
'Oh your overreacting i hope i didnt scare you too much!!' She pointed to camila who had instinctively choosed to move further from dinah and closer to me. Camila had a little tear in her eye knowing how shy she was a introduced her to dinah. "This is camila cabello shes the girl i told you about dinah" dinah smiled as she ignored my greeting a hugged camila which made the small girl cringe but surprisingly she hugged her back feeling how safe she was with dinah. Once the awquard first impressions were we got our tickets and went to get our popcorn. Dinah insisted that she take camila to the game spot while i grabbed our snacks since the line was kinda long and would take atleast 10 min. Knowing it would be good for camila to interact with someone else i agreed and saw my friend take my baby to play some games itd be awhile since i saw camila so happy. Dinah was the most fun in my friends so im not surprised that she got along with camila so well.

Camila POV:
Inah ook ook!!! Tha one
The small cuban pointed to a stacker machine she saw a prize that caught her eye. I ran to the machine with hands on the glass watching as inah put a quarter and tried to win me the prize. Winner!!! Inah you win? I smiled excitedly as inah grabbed a stuffed animal from the machine and handed me it. I jumped up and down with joy before i heard mama call me. Me and inah held hands as we went to get our seats and watch the movie i sat inbetween mama and inah and had a great time laughing at spongebob.. After the movie we went home and said goodbye to inah
She gave me a small kiss and left
As she walked to her car all i could think was im glad today went well
And i love inah so much!!!

(Author Note)

Camila Finds Her Mommy (A Camren Ageplay Story)Where stories live. Discover now