(SaTzu's Past Break-Up...)

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Taehyung's pov

I walked through the empty school halls, as I told my sister and friends that I'll be alone and be right back after... but I still couldn't believe that Jeon Jungkook likes me... I mean... who wouldn't... but... to be honest... I found him interesting since I looked over their informations and looks... but... do I have feelings for him?? Cause if I did... I would've broken my promise with myself... that I wouldn't fall inlove again... ever since... her... and being the thinking person I am... bumped into someone...

"Hey! Watch where you-" he suddenly stopped talking

"Mianhae... I wasn't looking where I was going and I-" I also stopped talking and saw the person who I bumped into... Jeon Jungkook...

"Kim Taehyung..." he started and I looked at him

"I believe I haven't introduced myself... I'm-"

"Jeon Jungkook... also known as the Bloody Devil of BlackRose Academy..." I cutted him off and looked at him amd smirked at his reaction but returned back to his cold self, "it's an honor to meet this school's devil himself" I smiled and put my hand out to which he took and shook and once our hands touched I felt tingles and sparks going through my skin and soon let go of his hand amd left him there... what was that??

Jungkook's pov

After he left, I walked towards the room with a small smile on my face then got confused as I heard someone talking in the classroom... so being the curious me I listened and heard it was... Sana and Chou Tzuyu?! But me being the nosy cousin I am... I listened to their conversation...

"Please... Tzuyu... give me a second chance!! I know I fucked up last time... but I'll make it up to you!! Please~" my eyes widen at what Sana said

"But... we... can't Sana... I know... we had a past relationship... but please... I don't want you to get hurt because of me..." Tzuyu said sobbing


"NO! Please Sana..." Tzuyu begged


"I'm sorry Sana..." Tzuyu said before I heard footsteps and heard Tzuyu ran passed me

I was only silent after I heard their conversation, but got back to my senses when I heard Sana's cries... I went in the room and saw her ice daggers thrown across and around the room as water was surrounding her... I took a deep breath and walked towards Sana and grabbed her arm, and mist appeared as I activated my fire powers to calm her down, stopping her from creating more messes...

"Sana..." I called and she looked at me and wiped her tears using her other arm

"You heard us... didn't you?" She asked me and I nodded

"Yeah..." I said as she just stared at the floor

"But... after we broke up... I looked for her... until I found her again... and I will do everything for her to love me again" Sana said and grinned and after our talk we both got our things and left the room to go to the others.

Taehyung's pov

After I ran into Jeon Jungkook, I searched for Tzuyu and found her by her locker... crying... yes crying... so here we are right now in the field to hide her from the others since her powers were not under control as she went into an emotional state as I'm also gonna asked her what happened for her to cry like this...

"What's wrong Tzu...?" I asked her as I put my arm around her shoulder and controlled her powers

"I-I... Tae I..." she stuttered

"You what?" I asked as I raised one of my eyebrows as she started crying again

"Sa-Sana..." she stopped

"Sana did what?" I asked her again and waited for her answer

"Sana wants me back!!" She said and my eyes went wide as she said that

"What?!" I yelled with wide eyes, "but you know-"

"I know! I know! We both know I love her... but there's just no way I can love her again after what she did... even if she was drugged... she still felt pleasure from the one who drugged her!!" Tzuyu said angrily as she cried and I still remember that... Tzuyu got a voice mail from Sam and it was Sana and Sam's moaning in the background so the day after that Tzuyu broke up with Sana and left her begging for Tzuyu to stay... and now... of course Tzuyu still loves her she still has all of the gifts Sana gave her but she just doesn't want to be with the person who hurted her... so I hugged her and said sweet nothings in her ear as she hugged me back and cried on my shoulder.

𝐀 𝐋𝐨𝐯𝐞𝐫𝐬 𝐒𝐞𝐜𝐫𝐞𝐭𝐬... (𝐓𝐚𝐞𝐊𝐨𝐨𝐤 𝐅𝐅)|REWRITEWhere stories live. Discover now