Mistakes were made

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Lucy woke up, sick to her stomach. She tried to get up, but something was restricting her movement. She looked over to see that an arm was wrapped around her waist. She looked more to the right and found that a certain pink haired playboy was sleeping soundly. She carefully moved his arm from around her waist and lifted up the covers. There was blood on the white sheets, and she was naked. She felt sticky, she got out of bed then changed into her clothes that she had on yesterday and called her best friend Juvia to come pick her up. Lucy hurried in the car. She cried while looking out the window. It was a silent ride. When they get to Lucy's house juvia hugs her tightly. " Call me if you need anything. " She said. Lucy nodded and hurried inside. She goes inside the house and locks the door. Her stomach turns once again, she runs into her bathroom and threw up. " Oh no!! " She exclaimed. She goes into the cabinet and finds it. A pregnancy test. She takes it and waits a few minutes. She looked at it and found two red lines. She sobbed all that day. She packed up her bags, she can't stay here. She called her aunt Anna and told her about the situation. Anna understood and agreed to take her in. Lucy didn't show up for school the next day.

~At school~

" I wonder where Lucy is " Juvia said in a worried tone as she searched the courtyard for her best friend. The bell rings, Juvia sighed as she walked to her class.

~At the end of class~

The bell rings but the teacher stops them from leaving so soon. " Ahem! Class, you all know Lucy Heartfilia. She has left the school for reasons that are not to be shared, but she has asked me to give some of you letters " The teacher announced. everyone was shocked. Lucy loved it here at fairy tail high. He handed out letters to the following: Natsu, Juvia, Levy, and Erza. " Why would I need a note from her? " Natsu asked. Juvia slapped him in the back of his head. " Baka! How could you forget so easily?!?! " She yelled at him. The students that didn't get a note from her left, while the others stayed.

Dear Natsu, I know that you probably don't even remember me any more, but I left, bad you don't have to worry about breaking up with me cause I already know that you were gonna do it today. Have a nice life

-Lucy, aka, the girl you slept with last night

" Oh her... " Natsu said. He shrugged then walked away. " I swear I'll... " Juvia said as she was being held back by the other girls. Their letters all said virtually the same thing.

Dear girls, I moved away because I got pregnant by Natsu, and I didn't want to come to school and let people know that, but I will still call and text you guys whenever I get a chance. I'll come back soon, I promise that. By I love you all


The girls started crying. They would miss Lucy dearly. She was the best friend that anyone can ask for. They sadly walked out of class.

~With Lucy~

She had just arrived at her aunts house. She knocked on the door. Anna opened the door and immediately pulled Lucy in for a hug. " Are you feeling alright? " She asked. Lucy nodded. Anna pulled her inside. " So, I baby proofed EVERYTHING and I restocked my kitchen with food. " She said. " Thank you " Lucy said then sat on the couch.

~A couple hours later~

Lucy sat a donut on the plate that was on the coffee table. Then she goes back to the fridge and gets mustard and ketchup. She puts it in there, Anna sweat dropped. " You sure have... Weird cravings " She said. Lucy shrugged as she ate the whole thing. Then she started to cry a little. " Oh my god, what if Natsu doesn't want them!! " She said. She bursts into tears. Anna pats her back. " I'll just have to make him want her!! " Lucy shouted. " But then again, I can't force him... " She said bursting into tears once again. " No! Yes I can do that and I will!! " Lucy said with a fire in her eyes. " But he can just deny my child and I'll look stupid " She said going back for crying.

After 10 minutes of Lucy's mood swings

She eats lunch with Anna and then takes a nap. " Your just like your mother when she was pregnant with you Lucy, eating weirdly, irrational mood swings, extensive amounts of naps " Anna said to herself while shaking her head with a laugh.

~Back with the girls~

" I'm gonna miss Lucy so much!! " Juvia complains. " Me too " Levy agreed. " I will as well " Erza added to their conversation. " Now who is gonna laugh with me for absolutely no reason at all? " Juvia sighed making the girls giggle. Although they would still dearly miss their friend, they had to smile, be happy, and have fun. They know that she will come back to them. They just don't know when. They finished their day and head out to to get some ice cream, and go to the mall. " We should buy Lucy some baby clothes!! " Juvia said. Erza sighed at her and levy shook her head. " We don't even know the gender, plus she just got pregnant two days ago! " Levy scolded. Juvia dropped down in sadness. She wanted to look at all the adorable baby clothes but her friends shut down her idea quickly. The girls continue to shop until it's about 7 pm and they head home.

~The next day~

The girls are sitting in the courtyard. Juvia looks at Natsu with disgust. " He has a baby coming, but he acts like he's a single man with no problems at all " Juvia muttered. " Baka! He doesn't know about that, and to him, he is a single man with no problems " Levy scolded her. Juvia pouted once again.

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