Coming back

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~My POV~

Lucy gave birth to a beautiful baby girl. Pink hair like her father, brown eyes like her mother. She stayed with Anna until junior year before leaving to go back to Magnolia. And yes she learned the curricular for her age while she was pregnant. " Alright bye Lucy, and bye little nashi " She said hugging both of them. Nashi giggled. " By Aunt Anna, and thanks for letting me stay here " Lucy said. " It was my pleasure, and call me if you need anything " Anna said. " I will " Lucy said back. Anna squeeze them tightly one more time before they leave.

~When they get to Magnolia~

" Nashi, mama has to go to school so the maids will take care of you okay? " Lucy asked. Nashi nodded. Lucy walked her to the train and then to her house. She walked inside, everything was the same. " Welcome back hime! " The maids said when Lucy entered the home. " Hi guys! This is Nashi " Lucy said. Nashi waved shyly. " Hi... " She said. She's only two so she can't say every word. Just 'mama' 'hi' 'kay' 'spishy' (spicy) and 'nashi'.

~The next day~

Lucy wakes up early to an alarm. She groaned as she gets out of bed. She takes a shower and gets dressed in her school uniform; white button t-shirt, navy blue skirt that reaches her mid thigh, navy blue tie, white knee-high socks, and black flats. She puts her hair in low pigtails with some strands out and resting on her shoulders, and her bangs covering her forehead. She we don't down stairs and had some breakfast with Nashi. " Okay, I'll be back soon okay " Lucy said. " Kay Mama " Nashi said. Lucy kissed her daughters forehead and left out for school. " I can't wait to see the girls today! " She said.

~At school~

Lucy walked into the courtyard. Everyone started to whispered about her because they thought that she was new. The girls looked over to her and almost broke out in tears. They ran up to her. " LUCY!!!!! " They yelled tackling the poor blonde. " I missed you guys too " She said. They talked and walked to the office. " So how is she? " Erza asked. " And can we meet her? " Levy asked. The girls gave Lucy question after question without letting her answer it. " Yes, yes you can meet her, calm down " Lucy said. They all fangirl squeal and Lucy covers her ears.

~At class~

" Okay class, we have a returning student, some of you know her and some of you don't " Aquarius said. She gestured for Lucy to come into the classroom. She nodded and opens the door. " Hi everyone, my name is Lucy Heartfilia for those of you who don't know me " She said with a smile. " As cheery as always I see " Aquarius rolled her eyes. Lucy sits down next to Natsu and Gray. Natsu thought that she would slap him, because he only wanted to sleep with her, like the other girls. But she just smiled at him. Which made juvia furious.

~At lunch~

" How could you smile at him after what he did to you Lucy?! " She asked angrily. " Juvia, it's fine. And I wanted to have a good relationship so when he meets her then we will be good friends " Lucy said. " Meet who? Why do you need to have a good relationship with Natsu? " Angel said popping her gum. Lucy got nervous. " Meet my aunt, because... she knows that he's the reason I moved and she uh... She wants to beat him up, yeah that, and I don't want her to do that " Lucy said nervously scrambling her words to make a believable story for Angel. " Hmph! " Angel said then she walked away. " Phew " Lucy sighed.

~After school~

Lucy and the girls walked to her house, but were stopped by Natsu and his friends. " Blondie your acting weird " He said. " How so? " Lucy asked then she held back juvia. " You don't even remember her name " She muttered angrily. " Usually, when I break up with a girl they hit me " He said. " She's too nice to do that, please go away before I hit you " Erza said. Then she pulled Lucy away from them. " Baby time!! " She said. " You guys act like you've never seen a baby in your life " Lucy rolled her eyes.


Did she just say baby? " You I'm not crazy right, cause I just heard Erza say baby " Natsu said. " Nah I heard it too " Gajeel agrees. " Your both crazy " Gray said. I shrugged and we walked away.

~At Lucy house~

Lucy opens the door. " Welcome back hime! And levy and Erza and Juvia as well! " The maids said. " Momma!! " Nashi yelled hugging Lucy. " Hi nashi, I missed you " Lucy said hugging her back. " Awwww!! How old is she?! " Levy said. " 2 " Lucy answered. " And she's already walking perfectly fine, of course you have a smart baby " Levy said. Lucy giggled. " Nashi these are mama's friends, levy, Juvia, and Erza " Lucy said. " Hi! " Nashi waved. " She is just the cutest thing ever! " Juvia said hugging Nashi. Juvia stood up. " I think I'm in love... " Erza said looking at the kitchen counter. She ran over there. " Lucy, can I have just a little slice, a small sliver, even a crumb of this delectable pastry would be heaven! " Erza said. " You can have the whole thing if it means that much to you " Lucy sweat dropped at Erza. " Mama! Spishy! " Nashi cheered. " Just like your father " Lucy said. Then Virgo goes to make something spicy for nashi. " Thank you Virgo " Lucy said picking up her daughter. " It is my honor to serve your daughter princess " She said. The girls giggled. Lucy really missed home.

~The next day was a Saturday~

Lucy, the girls and Virgo took Nashi out to the park. They sit on the bench and watch Nashi play in the sand box. The boys happened to be walking by and saw them. They walked over there. " The boys are walking towards us. " Levy panicked. " That's why we brought Virgo levy " Erza reminded her. The boys get there. " Virgo, pick up Nashi " Lucy said. Virgo nodded and picks her up. " What are you guys doing here? " Gray asked. " We are helping Virgo take care of her daughter who insists on calling me mama " Lucy said. " Mama! " Nashi cheered. " See, anyways we are leaving right now " Lucy said and tried to walk away with the girls but natsu grabbed her and ran away.
" Hey get back here! " Erza said but the other boys held them back. " Mama okay? " Nashi asked. " Yeah she's fine Nashi " Virgo said.

~With Lucy and Natsu~

" W-what is it? " Lucy asked. " Your acting weird, what's up with you? " Natsu asked. " No, your acting weird, you never talk to girls after you break up with them " Lucy said. " But see that's the problem, I didn't break up with you " Natsu said. " Well it doesn't matter cause I did it " Lucy said then walked away.

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