Chapter 4

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10, 9, 8, 7, 6, 5, 4, 3, 2 and "RIIIIIIIIING!" I jump up as fast as I can and run out of my History class, Jess catches up with me and we walk to my locker, I get my lunch and she gets hers, "Ok spill!" she orders me as we walk past the Art Rooms, "Tiara!" someone shouts, but it wasn't just SOMEONE it was Niall, cause no one ever called me 'Tiara' except for Nialler, I turn around and he's running over to me, "Hey Nialler" I say and he smiles, "Do you and Jess wanna sit with us today?" he asks gesturing to where he sat, I look at Jess and she nods, "Yeah we'd like that" I say, he slings his arm over my shoulder an his other arm over Jess's I sneak a look at her and she's grinning like an idiot...not that I could talk I was smiling and I'd just seen the sun for the first time (for those of you who don't know, that makes me smile!!) , we walk over to where he sits, "Come on, we don't bite" Niall says when we stay standing, Jess moves and goes to sit next to, you guessed it Sean, he whispered something in her ear and she giggles, I would make her tell me later, I sit down next to Niall and he slung his arm over again, it felt like I was in heaven , "Niall-Poo!" some called behind him, his eyes went wide and he winces as he turned around, "Mary I'm a bit busy, I'll talk to you later" he says an she humphs and storms away, "Did you just blow off your girlfriend?" I ask and he bursts out laughing, "Mary's not my girlfriend!" he laughs and I give him a confused look, "I'm still waiting for my Princess yet" he says smiling, "Oh" I say taking a bit of my sandwich, the bell goes for next periods and Jess and I go silently, "Tiara, you're in my PE class aren't you?" he asks and i nod, "Wait for me and I'll walk with you" he says and I nod smiling, "Text me where you're sitting" Jess says as she goes off to Home Ec, "Wait Jess!" I shout but she keeps walking, what did Sean say to her! "Ok, ready to go?" he asks coming up to me, "Yep! Let's go" I say, once again he flings his arm over my shoulder as we walk to the oval.


"You Miss Smith have to tell me Sean said to you!" I orders her as we got our lunch, "I can't! Maybe some time in the future" she says and I sigh, "Yeah I love you too!" I say sarcastically and she laughs, "So you and Niall seem to be closer..." she says trailing off and I smile, "Yeah but it's nothing like that, he's like famous or something, and I'm just me an ordinary girl who plays soccer and eats too much" I say and Jess hits me, "Ow! What was that for?" I ask rubbing my arm, "For saying your fat" she says crossing her arms, "Hey Niall!" she called and I turned around to see Niall walking towards us, "What's up?" he asks, "Do you think Tiana's fat?" she asks him and he gasps, "Of course not! Has anyone been saying it to you?" he asks me, there was something in his eyes I just couldn't tell what, "She has" Jess says, he gasps and says, "Believe me you're not fat babe" and then Sean comes up, "Hey Jess" he says an she smiles, "Hey Sean" she says, "Hello earth to Sean!" Niall shouted waving his hand in front of Sean's face, he swiped Niall's hand away and and poked his tongue out, "Mary's looking for you" Sean says and I feel my heart sink, "Oh god save me now, um I'll see you in form Tiara" Niall says before walking away, "This party will be very interesting" I say and she giggles, the bell goes for next period. Once we get into form...Niall doesn't say a thing to all! I walk home feeling grumpy and upset, the next day was the same thing, in PE he didn't say anything and in Spanish he didn't say anything but we got to form and he said, "Remember I'm picking you up at 4:30" I smile and nod, "Can't wait!" I say and he smiles, "Neither can I!" he says, we go our separate ways and as soon as I get home I have a shower and get changed, I was wearing green skinny jeans and a black singlet with TOMS. I was fixing up my hair when I heard my mum, "Tiana! Niall's here!" I squeal and then walk to my bedroom door, taking a breath and then walking down the stairs, I stop when I see him, he was wearing black skinny jeans and a green flannel!, "We're matching!" he says smiling, I giggle, "Ok well you guys have fun" my mum says basically pushing us out the door, we walked down to Mary's house and talked and laughed, they weren't many people there, in fact Niall was the only boy, we walked in and saw Mary, she was wearing a short hot pink skirt (and when I say short I mean SHORT) with a matching hot pink midriff that said 'Princess Bitch!' her face was exploding of makeup, she looked so, so fake, "Who's this?" she asked when she saw me, "Mary this is Tiana, Tiana this is Mary" Niall says introducing us , I offered my hand but she just looked at it and glared, I took it back and put it in my jean's pocket, "Niall come over here we're playing Truth or Dare!" she said as she tried to pull him along, he grabbed my hand and said, "Don't leave me alone" I laughed and followed him. Everyone sat down in a circle me next to one of Mary's friends, I think her name was Chelsea, "Ok Tiana, truth or dare?" Chelsea asked me eventually, "Dare" I say being bold, "Ok I dare you..." she trails off looking around the room, "I dare you to kiss Niall!" she said enthusiastically, I looked at Niall and gulped, we lean in but are stopped, "You have to kiss in the bedroom, more dramatic" she says and I gulp again, Niall takes my hand and we walk into the closet room, we both sit on the bed and I stare at my hands, "Can we just pretend we kissed?" I ask him

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