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Chapter 23
The Lycan Family

"We are family"


Being a mother of two children is hard. Especially since your husband is out working for 8 hours and then comes home, exhausted.

I feel the same everyday.

I wish I could help him with our money problem. I feel bad I can't do much when your kids are always causing trouble.

I wish they could get along just for one second while I'm not looking.

Anyways, here I am cooking for the family while your kids is fighting over who's older.

"No, I'm older!"

"No, I am!"

They keep repeating that for about the next 20 minutes until they stop and come running into the kitchen.

Oh no.


"Yes sweetie?"

"Who's older?"

"Well honey, maybe I should tell you two when you're older"

"For now, you two can go argue who's older and then get ready for dinner"

They nod and run off into the living room and start aguring again.

Maybe I should have told them who's older.

Nah, they'll find out when they're older and won't argue about it.

"Alex, give me back my dolly!" I heard one of the kids scream.

"I will, when you tell me I'm older!"

"Never!" She sticks her tongue out with noises coming out too.

I sigh and walk into the loving room.

"Alexander" I say.

"Give back your sister's toy or else I tell her she's older"

He gasps and gives back Alina her toy back.

"Now, you two go get ready for dinner. Your father should be here any minute"

They cheer and nod and ran towards the dining table.

I walk back into the kitchen and prepare the food into 4 plates for each one of us.

I set the dining table with 4 plates, 4 forks, 3 cups, 3 people waiting and 1 person to wait for.

Then, the sound of the door open and the kids lightly cheer.

"Daddy!" They squeal.

He smiles and walks toward the dining table and sit down beside me.

"Hey babe"

"Hey Aaron, how was work?"

"Exhausting like always but now since I'm home, it's a lot better"

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