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Chapter 27
Tore Apart

"There's always something that tears couples apart"


Ugh, I hate when your left alone and your finacè is always drinking.

I don't understand what got him into drinking. We were fine until wine bottles in our kitchen started showing up.

And now, there all over this fucking house!

There no point in fighting with him when he's drunk, he'll always just keep winning and slapping me across the face.

I've been thinking on how to left this place but I'm afraid something will happen to him if I make the wrong step.

Anyways, there's my life for you, back to you.

The door opens and of course, Aaron is standing at the doorway with a wine bottle in his hand. He stumbles in and puts the wine bottle down on the kitchen counter where all the other bottles are.

I just like to watch him stumble in and then fall.

I turn away and stare back into the television.


I also fell off the couch when I looked into the kitchen and saw all the wine bottle broken on the ground.

This man has gone insane.

I got up and immediately got to the kitchen and slapped him across the face, hard.

He looks at me with rage in his eyes.

"What the hell is wrong with you!"

"What's wrong with you! Can't you see we're also in debt because of your drinking problem!"

He's not even listening to me, more like trying to find a way to shut me up.

"I know your not listening but I'm done with all no sense about you're drinking. I actually had hope you would listen to me the first time instead of the million of times I tried to tell you. I couldn't believe I was gonna marry you. Well, we're done!"

I take my ring off my finger and slammed it on the counter.

I ran upstairs to the bedroom to pack all my stuff with tears streaming down my face. I got downstairs with my stuff and saw Aaron passed out on the couch.

I put my suitcase down and grab Celeste and my car keys. I grab my suitcase and close the door behind me.

Goodbye Aaron, maybe next time you'll actually listen instead of treating me like nothing.

- The Next Morning -

My eyes open to the bright sunlight breaming on me. I got up with my head spinning and to my surprise, I was on the couch.

I saw a bunch of broken bottles on the ground and something shiny on the counter.

What happened last night?

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