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"I don't celebrate birthdays"




28 August.



Sylvette is walking with a smile, looking around. She's going to the Card Capital.

She learned from Miwa another day that it is Kai's birthday today. She's hoping to meet him there and wish him. Kai should be there among his friends on his special day.

She steps in, and Misaki greets her. She greets her in return with a smile walking closer to her and looks around for his face.
"Tokura-kun..? Is Toshiki not here??" asks Silvi looking back at Misaki not seeing him here.

"No..." Misaki shakes her head.

"Hey, Sylvette!" greets Miwa with his bright smile.

"Oh.. Hi~" She smiles at him.

"Looking for Kai, huh?" asks Miwa with a grin.

She nods.

"Well, he's not here..." He shrugs. "You can look for him somewhere else..."

"Yeah..." She sighs with a pout.

"What for..? Was hoping to find him here and wish him??" Miwa smiles.

She now grins too.

"So you remembered, huh?" He grins tilting his head. She doesn't say anything, just purses her lips and shrugs slightly.

Miwa stares at her head to toe, and noticing slight excitement in her, his smile widens. He can't help his chuckle. "Sylvette~ if you want to go and look for him now, I won't mind at all."

Sylvette giggles. "Thank you~" She chuckles now taking a step back. When she turns back to the door, the door opens revealing another familiar face to appear at this place. Aichi didn't notice her first, but when he does, his eyes brightens up. He waves his hand and greets her, "Sylvette- kun~ How are you?"

She smiles a little in response, "I'm doing fine, thank you. What about you, Aichi?"

"I'm also fine,... Oh- are you leaving now?"

"Uh... Yeah. I guess I'll see you later, Aichi."

"Sure," Aichi moves aside from the door and bows slightly and she does the same. She then looks back at Miwa and Misaki with a smile and he nods, then leaves the premise.

She looks up at the sky as she walks along the pavement. She has no idea where she can find him now, or at any time. She only gets to meet him at the Card Capital, and at the school.

... And sometimes.... after the school.... at... at a park.

She thinks about it.
She has seen him a few times at the park, after the school, spending some time to himself.
Would he be there, at the park, for any reason?

Would it be reasonable, to go there, and look out for him, now??

Why'd he be there now...?

She didn't notice when she stopped in her track. Now she looks around herself.

The park is just a few blocks away from here. She decides to go there anyway.

Sylvette starts running towards the park, pretty much surprised at her own self. It's not like she'd miss him from finding him there if she doesn't hurry, only if he's there now. Or the fact that she's somewhat really wanting to find him, only to wish him for his special day.

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