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          ZOE TRIED EVERYTHING TO ESCAPE HER BOUND-TO CHAIR. Despite her best efforts, there wasn't any escaping anytime soon. She knew that even if she were to get out of the tight belt, there was no way they were all going to escape unnoticed. Her skin began to ache, and as she shifted around her small confine, she noticed the deep-seated redness of her skin that was sure to leave a mark. Robin tried yelling for help, her voice bouncing throughout the room, not making any difference at the moment. But it hadn't stopped her. "Hey, would you stop yelling?" Steve's voice croaked, trying to stop Robin's useless plea for help.

"Steve! You're alive! Thank God!" Zoe tried to look at him, to asses his current state, but she couldn't move too much. Steve groaned, his very own response to let Zoe know that he was awake.

"Are— are you okay Steve?" Robin asked, fidgeting in her own seat.

"My ears are ringing, and I can't really breathe, my eye feels like it's about to pop out of my skull, but, you know, apart from that, I'm doing pretty good." His voice was laced with sarcasm as they listed all the things he felt might be the death of him.

"Well, the food news is that they're calling you a doctor," Robin mentioned.

Zoe added on, trying to make it sound more appealing. "Their very best!"

"Is this his place of work? I love the vibe." Steve quipped, creating a much lighter atmosphere for both girls as they gave off airy laughs. "Charming."

"Yeah, tell me about it." Robin huffed. "So, okay, do you see that table over there to your right?" Steve turned his head in Zoe's direction. "No, your other right." Steve turned to look at the table Robin was gesturing towards.

Zoe couldn't see a thing. "Guys, I don't know what we're looking at." She commented trying to twist her head as best as she could.

"It's fine Zoe, Steve and I will lead you. Steve— do you see those scissors?" Robin asked. Steve made a verbal sound, which was enough to signal Robin that he was looking at the target. "Yeah, well, I think that if the three of us move at the same time, we could get over there, and then maybe I could kick the table and knock them into your lap."

Zoe nodded, any plan was good. "And I could cut the binds." Steve realized, liking the plan as of now.

"And then we could get out of here!" Zoe finished, although she really wasn't going to be much of any help in their plan.

"Gotcha. Okay, yeah, we can do that. Those morons. They left scissors in here?" Steve laughed.

"On the count of three, we're gonna hop." Robin signaled. As she continued counting upwards, she said three, and all of them managed to jump at the same time, moving them closer to the scissors.

"We did it! How much closer are we?" Zoe asked.

"A few more hops!" Robin yelled. She began to count again, and when she landed on the number three, they hopped one more time in sync. It was successful. "Holy shit, this is gonna work!"

Robin began counting again, "One! Two! Three!" They jumped again, this time, not landing correctly and landing on the ground. There was no possible way to get up without help. They all groaned, Zoe worst of all, she had drawn the short stick, getting a terrible spot, laying right on top of Steve and Robin. She already felt the blood rush to her head, so she tried to crane her neck to stop from the massive blood flow, only to make her neck uncomfortable as well.

Zoe and Steve began to hear soft sniffles coming from Robin, and trying to comfort her the best way they could. Only for those sniffles to turn into giggles, causing them to groan in realization. Her giggles had turned into full out laughter, and Zoe had no clue why. "I'm sorry! I'm so sorry! It's just... I can't believe... I'm gonna die in a secret Russian base with Zoe Addams and Steve 'The Hair' Harrington! It's just too trippy, man!"

Now that Zoe had thought about it herself, it was kind of funny. Never in her until life would she believe that this was her summer. If anyone would have told her in advance, she would have laughed in their face. Hawkins was definitely a weird town. "We're not gonna die. We're gonna get out of here, okay? Just— you gotta let me think for a second." Steve's voice came off raspy, not as amused as Robin's.

"Do you guys remember, um, Mrs. Click's sophomore history class?" Robin asked randomly.

Both Steve and Zoe were confused. "What?"

"Mrs. Clickity-Clackity," Robin clarified. "That's what us band dweebs called her. It was first period, Tuesdays and Thursdays, Steve was always late. Zoe, you were always on time. You guys always had the same breakfast. Bacon, egg, and cheese on a sesame bagel for Steve. Two chocolate chip granola bars for Zoe. Zoe sat in front of the class, but she never paid that much attention. I sat behind Steve two days a week for a year. Mister Funny. Mister Cool. The King of Hawkins High himself."

Zoe furrowed her eyebrows, she had no clue where Robin was going with this. "And Zoe— you were the girl all the boys fawned over. It was quite funny actually. You had the best music taste and you were so likable. Do you guys even remember me?" Robin asked.

Steve stayed silent, his answer was obvious. Zoe, on the other hand, had noticed her but stayed silent as well. Opting to keep her thoughts in her head. Zoe fawned over Robin, but she didn't need to know that now. "Of course you don't. You were a real asshole Steve, you know that?"

"Yeah, I know." Steve sighed, he was sincere.

"But it didn't even matter. It didn't matter that you were an ass and Zoe wasn't. I was still... obsessed with both of you. Even though all of us losers pretend to be above it all, we still just wanna be popular... accepted, normal." Robin confessed.

"If it makes you feel any better, having those things isn't all that great. Seriously. Zoe can back me up." Steve said.

Zoe nodded to the best of her ability, "Yeah... high school popularity isn't what it's all cranked up to be." Zoe might not have been the most popular kid in school, or the richest and snobbish, but she tried treating people all the same. Especially Robin. Who happened to be the cutest girl in school, in Zoe's opinion. Whether she was apart of the band club or not. And maybe figuring out her sexuality was exactly why Zoe didn't try to ignite a conversation.

Steve sighed, "It just baffles me. Everything that people tell you is important, everything that people say you should care about, it's all just... bullshit. But I guess you gotta mess up to figure things out, right?"

"I hope so. I feel like my whole life has been... one big error." Robin commented. Steve and Zoe laugh, completely agreeing with her. "At least it can't get any more messed up than this."

"You know, I wish I'd known you in Click's class," Steve said.


"Really, I do. Maybe you could've helped me pass the class. Maybe instead of being here, I'd be on my way to college right now." He hypothesized.

"And I would have no idea that there were evil Russians beneath our feet, and I would be happily slinging ice cream with some other schmuck. And serving it to another." Robin said mentioning both Steve and Zoe causing the three of them to laugh softly.

"Gotta say, though, I liked being your schmuck. It was fun while it lasted." Steve began to reminisce.

Zoe smiled, "Me too. Me too."

The door was aggressively opened, revealing the main officer once again. He looked down at the three of them, a hefty laugh coming from his throat. "Where were you three going?"


Two updates in two days? More likely than not! So this book is obviously going to be short, which means only a few more chapters before it ends! I also had to change a few lines from Robin so although it gives off the same idea, Zoe was added into it! these two deserve the world okay BYE

𝐂𝐎𝐍𝐒𝐓𝐀𝐍𝐓 𝐂𝐑𝐀𝐕𝐈𝐍𝐆𝐒, robin buckley ✓Where stories live. Discover now