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          AFTER INTRODUCTIONS WERE MADE, ZOE KNEW THEY WERE THE HELP SHE WAS LOOKING FOR. She brought them over to the railway that overlooked the floor below them. Stores that she had seen a million times over, and it was too surreal to see the mall as empty as it was now. Zoe fought in the gasp that had almost escaped her lips when she saw multiple armed soldiers walking around the floor. Across the room, Zoe had spotted her favorite people— huddled behind the counter space with extreme quietness. Dangerously approaching them was a man with a smug look, knowing he was about to catch them. Zoe couldn't stand it.

Zoe should have been down there. She should have been crouched right besides Robin, whispering any type of reassurance. But now, she had help— and no way to get to them in time.  Eleven, a girl who hadn't spoken many words since Zoe had been around, stepped up in front of the group, overlooking the rail herself. Zoe furrowed her eyebrows as El raised her arm. Zoe turned to Nancy, who wasn't nearly as confused as she was, "What's going on?" She whispered.

Nancy shook her head, quieting Zoe down just a bit. "You'll see," Her response was vague and it had only managed to intrigue Zoe more. She watched as Eleven squinted, focusing on the object in her mind— in this case, it was the smooth red car that was up to display in the middle of the mall. Eleven's hands twitched and suddenly, the alarm went off, drawing all of the soldier's attention to the loud vehicle. Giving the Scoops Troops team just a little bit more time.

Zoe's eyes widen tremendously, and she tried looking around to see if anyone's expression had matched their own and surprisingly— they hadn't. Which had only made her more shocked as she watched the girl with powers control the car with her mind. "What... the... crap?" She muttered. Zoe Addams had seen enough. One question played on repeat on her mind— could things get any weirder? Somehow, she already knew the answer.

Eleven's arm shot forward, sending the car flying in the guards direction. After all the commotion, what remained was the lifeless bodies of the bad guys. It was a sight that made Zoe cringe on the spot. Slowly, the heads of Steve, Robin, Dustin, and Erica raised from behind their hiding spot, turning to look at the people above them. Relief flooded through Dustin's system when he spotted his friends, glad they had figured out some part of his message.

Robin didn't recognize anyone besides Nancy and Jonathan, but she had never formally spoke to them. And overlooking the group, she had found Zoe who gave her a meek wave to insure her safety. Robin couldn't help the smile that spread across her face, and the immediate desire to hug Zoe.

Zoe, and the rest of the group, quickly walked down the escalator to reunite with the rest of their friends. While Dustin ran for Mike and Eleven, and Erica had a bitter-sweet reunion with her brother, Zoe had almost knocked Robin off balance with the intensity of her hug. Zoe wrapped her arms around Robin's shoulders, burrowing her head into the girl's shoulders.

Robin's arms were wrapped around Zoe's waist. And she was content with this very moment— something she didn't want to end. "I'm so glad your okay— I was so worried and I thought maybe something happened to you and I wouldn't be able to live with myself if you got hurt Zoe— and... and–" Robin's rant was cut short when Zoe had placed a quick peck on her lips. Something she had only seen happen in those stupid romcoms, and couldn't help but re-enacting. And surprisingly, it had worked.

"I'm alright, I'm so sorry for leaving you." Zoe apologized, caressing Robin's cheek.

While everyone else tried recuperating, explaining what each 'team' had been through, Eleven grunted before dropping onto the ground. Everyone rushed over to her, worried about the girl who had basically saved everyone's life at some point. "El! El! What's wrong?" Mike asked, kneeling down besides her.

Eleven whimpered, "My leg... my leg."

Jonathan quickly moved towards her leg, unwrapping the bloody bandage just above her ankle. Underneath the cloth was a pulsating gash, with something clearly under the surface moving around. Everyone disclaimed in disgust at the sight, especially Zoe, who couldn't exactly process what the hell was in El's leg. Eleven began grunting and whimpering again, only this time– letting out an ear-piercing scream as the pain in her leg had only gotten worse.

Everyone had no clue what to do, only watching the slug-like creature move underneath El's skin. "Keep her talking. Keep her awake, okay?!" Jonathan commanded before running into a kitchen of another fast-food place. Zoe didn't know the girl well at all, but it didn't stop her from trying to comfort El to the best of her ability.

"You know... it's not actually that bad! The goalie on my soccer team, Beth Wildfire, this other girl slid into her leg, and the whole bone came out of her knee, six inches or something, it was insane." Robin tried helping, but it really didn't make this better.

"Robin... your not helping." Steve admitted, causing her to apologize. It was the idea that had mattered.

Jonathan came back, holding a bunch of items in his hand that did not make the situation look any more appealing. His words weren't comforting either. "This is gonna hurts like hell, okay? I need you to stay real still, and bite down on this, okay?" Jonathan handed her a wooden spoon that she had immediately bit down on as instructed.

He held the knife close to her leg, which he had previously heated up to make this a much faster process. Jonathan hesitated before sinking the knife down into her skin, causing El to scream in pain. Zoe covered her mouth to hold in the oncoming vomit that may occur sooner than later. After he finished cutting the gash, he plunged his fingers into her skin and his movements became more hurried as he tried getting ahold of the creature. Everyone felt some sort of pity for Eleven and it didn't make matters any better when she had began pleading for Jonathan to stop.

Mike helped Eleven sit up straight, causing her to whimper. "I can do it... I can do it."

Zoe clutched onto Robin's arm, more for support than anything else. Eleven outstretched her arm once again, and began pulling at the creature under her skin. Her screams had only gotten more intense, managing to shatter the wall of glass behind them. Zoe flinched, immediately covering her head to avoid any incoming shards of glass heading her way. Eleven had managed to pull the creature out of her leg, holding it up in the air for a moment before throwing it across the floor.

The slug chittered as it slowly crawled away. Only to be stomped out of his misery by three new faces. Zoe had recognized two out of the three. Joyce Byers and Jim Hopper. The other man with them had looked a little— off. Zoe could only assume that they knew about everything else going on as well. Yep, her life was never going to be the same.



𝐂𝐎𝐍𝐒𝐓𝐀𝐍𝐓 𝐂𝐑𝐀𝐕𝐈𝐍𝐆𝐒, robin buckley ✓Where stories live. Discover now