Chapter 1

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After I was done with my knight school and friends, I finally went home, but when I came out of the portal, I heard an announcer. So I looked up at the big screen "alright all you ladies and gents, boys and girls all around, it's time for the big championship, including some of your favourites like volt, igur, free, shu, capon, and more, plus one lucky person will have the chance to battle along with them so sign up now" he said. I then looked back down and wondered where I was at till some boys had run into me, which as I knew as the champions. "Whoops, sorry miss are you okay," igur said. Volt then helped me up when my wallet fell out and open "miss you dropped this, by the way, what's your name," igur asked. Capon then looked down at my wallet and saw my name "igur do you know who that is, who she is!" capon asked, "no who" igur asked. "That's Katie showcoson," capon said. All the other boys were in shock and surprised, so I picked up my wallet and looked at my ID. It said my name was Katie ahowcoson, like a girl named showco from an anime movie that I watched and son just from japan because everyone there had that at the end of their names. "Wow, that's so cool her family is famous around Japan do you want to battle," volt asked, "volt I'm sure she's busy," shu said, "no I'm not busy, but I don't know if I have a blade," I said. I then put my hands in my jacket and felt around. until I found a bey and pulled out a white Beyblade that had a beautiful look like it was snow while it had a face of a wolf, but it was more supped up than the boy's blades "woah, is that an x blade" capon asked. "What is an x blade" volt asked, "it's a new type of blade that goes past turbo" shu, and free said, "okay, well now I can battle, so let's get at it," I said. All the boys nodded, and then we went to bey field.

At the bey field, I was on one side, and igur was on the other while capon was calling it "okay, ready set 3...2..1 let it rip!" everyone shouted. I and igur then released our bey's white wolf and z Achilles; suddenly, it was like I was another person in control of my bey. I put it in attack mode. My bey started to attack Igor's till he stopped spinning, and I got a survivor finish "Katie survivor finish" capon said, "nice" igur said, "okay, now watch me get a burst" I said. I and igur then reloaded our bey's and got ready "ok 3...2..1 let it rip" everyone said. Our beys launched while I went with attack mode again, both our beys clashing "bite his head off white wolf with mega bite" I shouted, "Achilles use z whip" igur shouted. Both our beys then made some spectacular moves and clashed against each other till igur's burst and I won "woah Katie you got a great bey" Igor said. "Thanks, me and white wolf are partners and one now does anyone else wanna battle or else I'll be taking my leave," I said, "wait you wanna hang," igur said, "igur we gotta get going remember the championships," shu said. "it's okay if we don't my father probably wants me home," I said, "okay well Katie it was nice to meet you," volt said, "you guys too bye," I said. The five boys then left me while I went to look at a mirror and looked at myself. I had long brown, dark hair down my back with my purple glasses and green eyes. my usual smile with my regular face, then looked down at my body. I was a little less fat and wore a white shirt with a black jacket while wearing red pants and black shoes. I put my hands in my pockets and found my Beyblade and wallet; I also looked around my body and saw a bag on. So then I went to buy a cloak and other stuff to hide from whoever my family is and my new friends to get into the tournament. "Don't worry, my family, I will return soon, but who knows when", I said to myself.

A/n: here we go, people; tell me what you guys think of this new book. I just got this idea and had to make a book about it hehe :)

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