ChPter 17

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The following day, well, I didn't know it felt like sometime in the day cause I was trying sleep wherever I was. Until sunlight or some bright hit my eyes/eyelids, and when that happens, I can't sleep cause the light hurts my eyes and makes it hard for me to sleep. I then decided to wake up, but when I did, I smelt something delicious like bread or something, "is that what I think it is?" I asked. A particular ass then entered the room "oh hi Katie, your finally awake" he said. "what the f ing hell, blue fire? How did I get here, and what smells so good" I asked, "awe thanks, fire and what else your favourite," he said. "bey bread? That's not my favourite; my favourite is cheese, bread, and pasta; now how on earth did I get here and with you" I asked. He then sat me back down on the bed and held my hands. "Katie tells me what's going on," he said, "no," I said, "stop being stubborn, Katie and tell me why I found you crying," he said. "I don't need to tell you anything, and I'm not stubborn; I just don't like to answer certain questions," I said, "Katie," he said. His hands were then still on mine while my heart was racing; I then pushed him away. "Katie?" He asked, "shut up; please leave me alone; I will never fucking love you, Lui shirosagi!" I shouted. He then looked at me weirdly "are you sure because I told you I will always be watching you, You are the fire that burns bright in me; I want to protect you and watch out for you," he said. "Okay, so what does that make me to you a sister, a girlfriend, or a friend? Explain cause I want nothing from you," I said. He then put his hand on my shoulder, and I blushed. "Katie, are you okay," he asked, ", I'm fff...Fine," I stuttered, "Katie, tell me the truth, please," he said. Why does he do this to me make me feel like this; it's like a match being lit on fire. "Lui, why do you care for me so much," I asked, "I care about you a lot," he said, "that's not an answer, blue fire tell me why," I said fiercely. "Okay, your smart, pretty, crazy, drive me insane, you are a bey star in my eyes, and you are something special to me," he said. I then grew a smile on my face then went over to Lui, and kissed his cheek. I then walked away from him. "Katie, wait, where are you going? It would be best if you rested," he said, "come find me blue fire when you truly know what you want from me," I said, "but I want you, Katie showco," he said. "Sure you do, but that's not enough, so think while I go do something's," I said. I then walked out and grabbed my things, and went to find another guy.

I walked out of Luis house and started to speed walk/run until I came to a place and brought out two things, actually three my bey, launcher, and poke ball. I get metapod out then put turbo x white wolf in my launcher. "White wolf, I'm sorry I crushed you. I hope we can work together to make a better, stronger bond," I said to myself. I then launched him and looked at him spinning till he stopped spinning. It seems like I need to practice some more. I then felt some presence "who goes there, and if I swear that's you, Lui, I'll kick your ass," I said. "Haha, your funny prey," he said, "oh it's just you phi what you want I'm practising," I said, "with what," he asked, "with none of your business," I said, "haha well I'm guessing you chose then," he said. "Yeah, I did," I said, "then what's your answer," he asked, "my answer is I'm not giving up and my journey nots over yet, over yet I'm gonna fight and Beyblade till the end," I said, "then your not joining my prey," he asked. "Correct, I may be evil, but I'm gonna stay on the right side, but we're friends, right," I said, "okay well, I'll see you in a nearby tournament and sure sweet thing," he said. "did you just call me sweet thing," I asked weirded out, "you know your very special showco," he said, "don't tell me, you like me like love?" I questioned. "Now, when I'm the evilest person that you probably know, so why would I love," he said. I just nodded. Phi then came over and patted me on the shoulder; he then hugged me and put a kiss on my temple "you did good, Katie, I'll see you later, lovely" he said. Phi then walked away while I was in shock. What the fuck just happened. I then just shook it off and continued to train.

After a while of practising, I think I had done enough and was ready for some fun "you ready, partner, let's do this will become one and the best," I said to myself. I then heard something coming from the bushes near me, "okay, who goes there now," I asked. But when I turned around, it was someone I wasn't expecting "what are you doing here? No wait, who are you," I asked. "no one, you need to know of just take this note, and we shall not see each other for a long time," he said. "are you a stranger, my parents said never to talk to strangers hehe," I said laughing, "oh god woman just take this note and stop being weird," he said frustrated. I just took the note even though I wanted to mess with him some more for some reason cause this strange man looked fun. He then walked away while I opened the letter "dear Katie showco, it is very nice to meet you, my dear, please attend a little get to getter I'm having with a few people or else I will end your loved ones like your sister, and boyfriends -Lucy" I read. I then started to laugh hard. hahaha, this bitch is crazy. I have no boyfriends, sure their boys and friends but not boyfriends. I don't love em; I only admire them; well looks like I have to beat up a brats ass. I then went into my bag and brought out my lightsaber, even though it's red cause I'm on the dark side. Hehe, I'm so evil. I then started to run/speed walk to wherever this girls home was.

A/n: here we are, guys; yes, I'm still reading but thought I'd get something out for the weekend. I'm very evil sometimes, hehe. Two weeks till Christmas fa La-La:) XP

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