Chapter 25

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On the road, zie and I just walked next to each other silently till I went into my bag and grabbed out my poke ball "don't even think about it" he said, "about what" I asked, "put that poke ball back in your bag" he said, "um no," I said. I then let butterfree out, "Katie!" He shouted. I ran off while butterfree followed. "Katie! Wait, stop, your going to hurt yourself more," he said. Zie then ran after me while I just laughed from all the fun I was having like usual.

Soon I stopped to catch my breath, and zie was right on my tail, perfect I can try and run farther than him now. I then tried to run more, but someone or something caught my eye, and you know me, if I see something bright and shiny, I must go towards it. "Who or what are you," I asked; the creature then turned around; oh, it's just satan, oh good, he's come for my soul. I walked over to him and watched what he was up to "what you up to" I asked; he looked at me and saw how I looked. "Katie takes my hand," he said. I nodded and handed my hand "both of them" he said. "can't do that" I said, "why not" he asked. I then pulled out my hand from my pocket well arm "ooh, look, there's still some blood" I said happily. "Wow, you are crazy," he said, "I know now where are we going, reyo," I asked, "you're gonna become my number two, my partner," he said. "Here's a better idea you cut off my other hand, then I leave to become a national champion," I said. "Hmm, sounds tempting; you sure you don't want to join me," he asked. I shook my head yes; he then looked into my eyes and saw the truth, so he cut off my other hand, and blood started to come out. I almost fell to the ground, but he caught me "thanks" I said, "rest now, Katie" he said. I then closed my eyes "zie, where the hell are you" reyo yelled. Zie then ran in. "I'm sorry, sir, she likes to run off without me," zie said "well, help me get her to a bed; she needs help," reyo said. Zie nodded then helped my sleeping body to his home.

As soon as I opened my eyes, I screamed, "Katie, calm down," zie said. I just screamed. Let's roll back to what happened; all I knew was that I was in a bed, and all I could do was scream in fear or excitement; who knew.

Zie and reyo carried my body into his house and laid me down on a bed "zie, quick grab some medicine and blankets. I'll get some food and water for when she wakes up," reyo said. "Reyo, why are you acting like this, your king of the demons," zie said. "I know, but I sometimes care," reyo said "okay, I'll help," zie said. Zie then grabbed some medication and some more blankets to keep my body warm. While reyo came over with some food and water, "what about the blood? Should we bandage her up" zie asked, "no, I'm thinking she wants the blood stained on her, but yeah, let's do something to stop it from bleeding anymore" reyo said. Reyo then went toward my body and licked where my cut off left hand now be, "there now we wait till she wakes" reyo said.

And now we're all caught up to where I was screaming, "Katie, stop" zie said. Reyo then slapped me, and I was silent "now why or what are you screaming about," reyo asked; l was still quiet. "Katie, please say something," zie said. I pointed to the glass of water, and zie handed it to me. I drank some "thanks z" I said, "Katie, are you okay" zie asked. "Sure, if you think I am okay," I said, "Katie, what's wrong," reyo asked, "can you guys answer me a question," I asked, "sure what" reyo and zie said, "what is there left in life," I asked. "Katie, only you can answer that question we can't," zie said, "hmm your right well okay, I'll do it," I said, "you'll do what," reyo asked, "I'll kill myself, I mean I already cut my hands all that's left is my head," I said, "Katie shut up now, just shut up stop talking like that you are my best friend and a bey Star you deserve to live strange," zie said. I then sat up and stared into his deep brown eyes "really? Cause my friends are somewhere else, but you are very close to me, but the closest person could be dead for all I know," I said. "Who is it," reyo asked, "I don't know If I should say since z hates him, but how am I supposed to find him and stay out of sight people are after me," I said. "It better not be that blue guy" zie grovelled; I just nodded. I don't know why or how, but Lui could and only could help me. Why do I feel like this? I don't care for boys; I should be caring for my bey more. "Katie, how can he help? Where is he anyway," zie asked, "I don't know how or where, but I need him," I said. (Lie) my father has him, I know, but I want to find him. I don't need to bring reyo or z into this, this is my fight, and my partners and I will do it. "Will help you find him," reyo said, "thanks, guys. Is it okay if I rest for a while," I asked, "of course, I will go look for him in a while," reyo said; I then laid down while reyo and zie left, but soon after, I sprung up and opened the window. I then went out. I'm sorry, guys, but this is my battle to fight, not yours. I then ran from zie's place to my ex fathers or fake fathers house to rescue my love. I'm sorry white wolf, you should be my top priority, but I don't know what or why my crazy mind is thinking or saying I should have never met Lui shirosagi then I never would have loved.

A/n: Hi people, I'm back with another crazy chapter of Beyblade. I should put some characters of Beyblade rise in here since I love the new characters, but how did some a**hole get free dalahoya bey someone answers that question for me? Well, enjoy :) XP

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