1.3) Alessida

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"Well, you're free to go Jade, but I wouldn't go waltzing about upside if I were you. If I remember right, those men were in uniform."

"What do you mean? And why do you keep calling me Jade? Is that my name?"

"What? You mean you don't know your own name?"

Alessida shook her head. She was certain that Jade wasn't her name, but had no idea what it was. Her eyes flew to the initials on her sleeve and she guessed that her name had started with an A.

"Well, it's not like I do either, so you're Jade. The color of your eyes. Personally I think it's much better than Snub-nose."

Offended, Alessida covered her nose. "Hey!"

Sama gave her a toothy smile, before turning serious once more. "Well if you're all ready, I can take you to one of the ladders that lead up into the city and you can be on your way."

"Into?" Alessida echoed. "Can't you take me out?!"

"Despite probably working for the powerfulest man in Kaarta, those gents didn't search too hard for you. So long as you keep inconspicuous and hightail it out of the city, you'll be home free."

"Where are we? And before you make any smart comments, I mean other than the sewers." Alessida said.

Sama gave a flourishing bow. "Krerlon, capital city of Kaarta, the rustbucket serving under his droolery King Marus."

"Who's King Marus?"

Sama rolled her eyes. "Dunno him personally, but the big prick lounging about in the castle who killed my parents."

Alessida didn't fail to hear the hurt in her tone. She was bewildered.

"He killed your parents?"

"Well, he didn't go out of his way to kill them. But they very well sent themselves to the grave fighting for him in his stupid pock-pick'ed army!"

Alessida opened her mouth to try and comfort the child and also ask what pock-pick'ed means, when a voice that was not her own entered her thoughts.

Galebend... a smooth female voice said. She turned around, wide-eyed, searching for someone other than her and Sama.

"...Anyway for Marus, people talk, and loads say that he's got the hugest army in all of Jaerik! Most wonder where he'd gotten the money to expand Kaartan's army just so... but seriously I don't know that much about him." Sama said, seemingly unaware of the woman Alessida had heard.

Galebend... I know you can hear me... Come find me... the ethereal woman said. If you want to reclaim your lost memories... seek me out in Spirit's Wood.

She didn't say anymore, and Alessida didn't think she would. Instantly she turned on Sama. "Did you hear that?! Who was that?"


"The woman Sama! It was the same woman from my dream!" Alessida snapped, looking around wildly. "She's got to be somewhere around here."

Sama was visibly confused. "Jade, calm down! I didn't hear anything."

Jade... Galebend... Now I've been called by two names! Who was that?! Alessida thought. "Well I did! There was a woman talking! To me!"

"Really?" Sama murmured, her brow furrowing. "What'd she tell you?"

"To go and find her at some place called Spirit's Wood. I think she took my memories." Alessida said. She quickly recounted her dream to the young girl, taking a leap of faith in trusting her.

"So... just to, ahem, get this straight... You think that a lady from last night who had been helping you telepathically spoke with you telling you to take a hop skip and a jump over to Spirit's Wood, mind you one of the most dangerous places in Jaerik, to get back your memories because you can't remember anything." Sama said slowly, over-enunciating each word.

"Yes! Does that sound crazy?" Alessida asked, tightening her fingers around her untamed hair and getting ready to madly tear it out. It did sound crazy. There's no way Sama believes me. She thought.

Sama shrugged. "It's perfectly plausible..." She added quickly, "For a mage."

"Sama, I have to." Alessida said.

"Have to...?" Realization struck her and the child's eyes nearly popped out of their sockets. "WHAT?! You can't go to bloody Spirit's Wood! Didn't I just say that it's the most dangerous forest ever?!"

"If I don't go, those men will find me and I'll be imprisoned for something I don't even know about!"

"But alive!"

Alessida frowned and marched off. "I can find my own way out." 

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