Chapter Two

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It was now the end of the day and I was at my locker getting my stuff before I had to go to detention.  UGH.  As I placed my last notebook in my backpack I heard a voice to my left, “Hey Nikki, ready for the time of our lives?” Brandon said sarcastically.  I laughed and rolled my eyes, swinging my backpack over my shoulders.  

“Come on, time to go waste away”  I said walking towards the detention room.  Brandon followed laughing and suddenly threw his arm over my shoulder, pulling me closer to him and quickly kissed the side of my head.  I stopped walking almost immediately and looked up at him.  He stopped too and looked down at me.

“What?” he asked.


 I blushed and looked down at my feet.  “Nothing…”  I mumbled.  He chuckled and we continued walking.  When we got to the detention room he removed his arm from my shoulders.  Even though his arm was no longer there I still felt butterflies zipping throughout my whole body.

“You may take your seats,” Mrs.  Kincaid said as we walked in.

We both took our seats next to each other in the back.  There were about three other kids in there.  People who probably got caught chewing bubblegum or texting in class.  Nothing like in the movies or TV shows.


“A few rules,” Mrs. Kincaid said from the front of the classroom.

“One: no talking, Two: no passing notes, Three: no interaction of any kind-  that includes poking,”


Brandon and I stifled our laughter at the last statement.  


The hour passed by like a slug going up a steep hill.  When it was finally over I was relieved and scared at the same time.  I was going to be in so much trouble. Brandon and I walked out of the classroom, silently.  Suddenly my phone rang.  


“Hello?” I answered.

“NIKOLETTA. JAY. MAXWELL,”  I quickly pulled my phone away from my ear at my mom’s voice.  I could see Brandon cringe as we walked down the hall.  


“Hi mom…” I responded feebly.  I glanced nervously up at Brandon as we walked out the school doors and sat down on a bench.  


“You are in big trouble missy!” her voice was angry and almost menacing.  “Get your butt home NOW!”  I once again pulled away as her voice exploded.  I wanted to respond but I heard instead the dial-tone.  Sighing I pulled the phone down from my face and let it land jean-shed lap.  I looked up at Brandon to see he seemed a bit miffed.  


“Nikoletta huh?” He said as we stood up.  “Fancy…” he smiled down at me.  I just sighed and shoved him in the shoulder before moving to walk around him.  “HEY! NO PUSHING!” he yelled in mock anger.


I turned around and began walking backwards as he walked towards me.  When he reached me I turned around and shrugged, “Well who am I to hold back how much stronger I am than you?”  I said smiling.  


“You’re not stronger than me!!!” he whined in a fake baby voice.  


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